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5 Kinds of Lawyers That Specialize in Incidents Involving Cars

— April 20, 2023

Having the proper representation can make all the difference between getting justice served or not.

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, but having the right legal representation can make a huge difference. Depending on the severity and circumstances of the incident, there are several kinds of lawyers that specialize in incidents involving cars. Let’s take a look at what kind of legal help is available for car accident victims.

Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer specializes in cases involving physical injuries caused by another person’s negligence or recklessness. If you have been injured as a result of an automobile accident, then this is the type of lawyer you should seek out. Personal injury lawyers will work to get you the compensation you deserve for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Car Accident Attorney

Car accident attorneys are similar to personal injury lawyers in that they take cases related to automobile accidents. However, a car accident injury lawyer will tend to focus more on the legal aspects of auto accidents rather than just physical injuries sustained from them. This means they specialize in insurance claims, determining fault in an accident, and other legal issues related to car accidents such as contract disputes between drivers and auto manufacturers or dealerships.

Product Liability Lawyer

Product liability lawyers specialize in cases where faulty products have caused harm or injury to someone. This could include defective airbags or brakes that malfunctioned during an accident resulting in serious injuries or death. If you suspect that a faulty product was responsible for your car accident injuries, then this is the type of lawyer you should seek out.

DUI Lawyer

If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) following an automobile accident, then it’s important to find a DUI lawyer who specializes in defending drunk driving charges. A DUI lawyer will know exactly how to navigate your case and present any evidence necessary to defend your rights as well as minimize any penalties associated with your charge.

Truck Accident Lawyer

Semi-truck on freeway; image by lpdesigns, via, public domain.
Semi-truck on freeway; image by lpdesigns, via, public domain.

Trucking accidents are often much more complicated than regular auto accidents due to their size and complexity. Truck drivers must adhere to specific safety regulations when operating large vehicles on public roads, so trucking companies may be held liable if their drivers fail to meet these standards and cause an accident resulting in injury or death. It’s important that trucking companies are held accountable for their negligence so that other drivers don’t suffer unnecessarily due to avoidable mistakes made by truckers or their employers. That’s why it’s important for someone involved in such an incident to contact a truck accident lawyer immediately after it occurs so they can get started on building their case as soon as possible—before any evidence is lost or forgotten about over time!

No matter what kind of car-related incident has occurred—whether it be from personal injury sustained from another driver’s negligence, faulty products causing harm, being charged with DUI, or an unfortunate encounter with a large commercial truck—having specialized legal help can provide invaluable assistance throughout the entire process. Having the proper representation can make all the difference between getting justice served or not so don’t hesitate—find yourself knowledgeable counsel today.

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