
2025 Guest Posting Program

Welcome to the LegalReader Guest Posting Program! We thank you for your interest. Guest Posting Program guidelines We only publish: Law topics (lawsuits, explanations of laws, case updates, law school and law practice-related topics, etc.) Law-related Business topics Law-related Health topics Law-firm/lawyer-specific Marketing topics Press Releases We are no longer publishing “general” topics in business,

News & Politics

Former New Castle Police Lieutenant Sentenced to 12.5 Years in Federal Prison for Repeatedly Using Excessive Force and Attempted Coverup

“Aaron Strong viciously beat, stomped, and shot three defenseless men with no lawful justification—causing serious injuries including a fractured spine,” said Zachary A. Myers, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana.

Lawsuits & Litigation

Lawsuit Challenges Gender Discrimination and Tax Violations at Male-Only Plantation Golf Club in California

The Plantation Golf Club has discriminated against women by prohibiting women from membership, playing the course as a guest, or accessing the premises beyond the parking lot. In California, all country clubs are open to men and women, except for The Plantation Golf Club, the last entity to obtain an IRS tax-exempt status for men-only clubs.

Lawsuits & Litigation

Facts About How Houston Truck Accident Lawyers Gather Evidence to Win Cases

Getting good evidence takes quick action and careful work. Houston truck accident lawyers use many methods to build strong cases. They know that solid proof helps their clients get fair treatment after serious crashes. Also, every truck accident case is different. And so good Houston truck accident lawyers adjust their methods based on each situation.