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6 Signs of Gynecological Disorders That Should Alarm You

— September 3, 2020

Due to the fact that spotting is considered one of the most common causes of cervical cancer, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible.

When it comes to gynecological issues, many women tend to use home remedies or even completely neglect their condition. As a result, they rush to the gynecologist when their problems become too severe or complications become irreversible. 

It is important to understand that regular examinations are provided not for gynecologists, but for you. Only a doctor can recognize early signs of various diseases and create the most suitable treatment plan for you. In this article, we gathered six signs of gynecological disorders that should alarm you. 

1. Pain during sex

If you experience pain in the pelvic area during sex, it’s high time to visit your gynecologist. There are a lot of conditions that can make your vagina, cervix, and uterus react with pain to frictions. For example, STIs can cause inflammation and irritation of the cervix. 

Conditions like endometriosis and uterine polyps can also make you feel pain during sex. Endometriosis causes the spread of the endometrial tissue on the pelvic organs. Uterine polyps can grow quite large and protrude through the cervix. The frictions can easily irritate them and cause pain.

2. Abnormal vaginal discharge

In most cases, abnormal vaginal discharge is caused by certain infections like STIs or others. Many STIs cause yellow or green discharge with a strong unpleasant smell. If left untreated, these infections can spread on other pelvic organs and cause a severe condition that is called pelvic inflammatory disease. 

Another common cause of the abnormal vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis. It occurs when the bacteria that inhabit your vagina start to overgrow. Bacterial vaginosis can be caused by a forgotten tampon, having sex with the new partner, or after douching. 

3. Heavy periods

If you have heavy periods, you probably know how it is to change a tampon or sanitary pad every few hours. You should understand that this is not normal and you may have a certain underlying condition like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, PID, etc.

It is essential to visit the gynecologist and find what exactly causes your heavy periods. Otherwise, you can develop serious complications like severe pelvic pain and even infertility.

Woman lying on bed; image by Yuris Alhumaydy, via
Woman lying on bed; image by Yuris Alhumaydy, via

4. Spotting

Spotting is light vaginal bleeding that may occur on its own or as a natural reaction to certain irritants. In many cases, spotting occurs during or after sex. It may be caused by STIs, cervical polyps, vaginal dryness, uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, and other conditions. 

Due to the fact that spotting is considered one of the most common causes of cervical cancer, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible. Early treatment can prevent the spread of the cancer cells and preserve your reproductive health. 

5. Pelvic pressure

The feeling of increased pressure in the pelvic area may be a sign of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. Ovarian cysts may develop and disappear throughout the menstrual cycle but some cysts remain and tend to increase. When they grow quite large, they can cause pain and pressure in the lower abdomen.

Uterine fibroids can also develop asymptomatically until they grow large. A large fibroid can cause pain during sex, pelvic pressure, spotting, and other unpleasant symptoms. 

6. A lack of lubrication

When a woman experiences a lack of lubrication, sex and even daily routine may become quite painful. You should know that vaginal dryness can occur naturally in menopausal and postmenopausal women due to the significant decrease in estrogen production. 

If you have not reached your menopause but you already experience a lack of lubrication, it may be a sign of hormonal imbalance. Your doctor may prescribe you hormonal therapy to normalize your estrogen levels. As an extra remedy, you can use additional lubrication to make your sex more comfortable.

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