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Lawsuits & Litigation

Benefits of Hiring a Stockton California Truck Accident Lawyer

— August 3, 2022

The basis for most civil lawsuits is negligence, and compensation is estimated on the degree of fault exhibited by a driver who caused injury and property damage.

Truck accident victims may wonder “Where can I find attorneys near me?” to assist with guidance and necessary actions to access compensation for harmful losses resulting from a truck accident in Stockton. 

Value of legal counsel

A Stockton truck accident lawyer may help victims file insurance claims and provide guidance on state thresholds, time limitations to file legal action, and information from insurance carriers that they communicate with on behalf of the accident victims. They will be instrumental in 

  1. Insurance communication to access necessary funds to cover immediate related expenses for harmful losses and dealing with other trucking industry lawyers who realize when it is best to settle a case through arbitration or mediation.
  2. Independent investigations to ascertain the reason for the crash. Accident victims may not be able to identify all responsible parties, but experienced truck accident lawyers can conduct the necessary investigations through scene reconstruction to ascertain fault of all parties in a truck accident case. 
  3. Filing appropriate documents with insurance companies and the court.
  4. In many cases truck accident attorneys will work on a contingency basis where money is not needed up front and provide a guidance and strength to clients as they are dealing with emotional and physical stress caused by the accident. 

Damage compensation

  • Compensatory damages include an award of money to compensate for actual economic losses, based on property damage, and/or injury. Total awards include economic damages for present and future loss of earnings, medical bills, future medical care, household expenses and non-economic damages for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of companionship.
  • Punitive damages are rarely awarded in California and are based on occasions where an individual’s actions were found to be reckless, intentional, egregious, and harmful resulting in the injury. A Stockton accident lawyer can explain the possibility of punitive damages based on individual cases.

Fatal injury

When accident victims suffer fatal injury, damages are calculated by those that relate to the individual who died, and those that are necessary to compensate those left behind. Damages covered include medical bills up to the time of death, lost wages (current and future), property damages and wrongful death claims to secure survivors financial stability of the deceased was an important part of the family income. 

  • Survival damages are calculated based on expenses related to the care in the final days of life for the deceased, as well as funeral and burial expenses. 
  • Survivor loss damages include those related to lost income, the deceased’s contribution to household upkeep, and the loss of affection and comfort to a spouse and support and guidance to children.

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California State provides rules on how the wrongful death award funds are to be distributed among the deceased’s beneficiaries. 

Negligence and insurance

The basis for most civil lawsuits is negligence, and compensation is estimated on the degree of fault exhibited by a driver who caused injury and property damage. “Fault” is based on the level of negligence measured when an individual fails to exercise the degree of care expected of someone in a comparable situation. California is a “fault state” which means that the party found to be responsible for the accident will have to compensate the other party involved in the accident, 

Hire an attorney

Contact a Stockton accident lawyer for a consultation, as they can research specific case facts and interpret the law to support an accident case’s best outcome toward compensation for damages and wrongful death caused by the truck accident. 



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