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Another Celebrity Couple Getting Divorced 

— December 20, 2022

If you’re filing for divorce in California, it can take, at minimum, six months before the process can be finalized.

Australian actress Toni Collette, best known for her roles in The Estate and Nightmare Alley, announced on December 7, 2022, via Instagram that she and her husband were divorcing. Collette and Dave Galafassi tied the knot in January 2003 and have reportedly been spending their time between Sydney and Los Angeles, as per Huffpost1.

In her post2, Collette wrote, “After a substantial period of separation, it is with grace and gratitude that we announce we are divorcing. We’re united in our decision and part with continuing respect and care for each other. Our kids are of paramount importance to us and we will continue to thrive as a family, albeit a different shape.”

It’s not yet clear whether the actress’ divorce case will be held in Los Angeles or Australia.

How long does it take to get a divorce in Los Angeles?

If you’re filing for divorce in California, it can take, at minimum, six months before the process can be finalized. This is because California requires couples to wait at least six months after their divorce petition has been filed before their case can be settled. Therefore, the quicker you file your paperwork and serve your spouse, the sooner your case can close.

Divorce certificate - Image by Tumisu, via
Divorce certificate – Image by Tumisu, via

If you’re considering filing for divorce, can help you locate divorce lawyers in your area who can help you get started. There are plenty of reputable and skilled Los Angeles divorce lawyers in California and makes the process of locating them simple.

Here’s how the divorce process works in Los Angeles, California

Although California divorce lawyers can provide specifics on how the divorce process works, it generally plays out in four parts3. These include:

  • Part 1– You or your spouse will need to file the necessary paperwork with your local court to start the case. You will need to serve your spouse the forms (don’t worry as divorce lawyers can help you with this) and they will be given the chance to file a response.
  • Part 2– The person who filed the divorce petition will need to share their financial information with their spouse. The other party is also required to do the same should they agree to the divorce.
  • Part 3– You and your spouse will need to decide on certain issues including how you want to divide your assets and split time with your minor children. You’ll also want to discuss alimony. If you cannot decide on these matters, the court will help you. However, if you do have children involved, it can benefit to consult with a few child custody lawyers to ensure that you have a legal representative who is prepared to protect your parenting rights.
  • Part 4– Finalize your divorce.

If you’re ready to learn about divorcing in California or want to start the process, contact today.

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