At the Reiff Law Firm, we stop the circus. Our caring, expert staff steps in to protect our clients, so you have the time and space to grieve and heal. We handle the medical and insurance bills. We listen, hold your hands, and help you make decisions about doctors and hospitals and other services. We make demands and noise go away so that you and your family can come together and focus on what really matters. We will show you there is light at the end of the tunnel. What is the value of shattered hopes and dreams? When people suffer a severe injury, they’re disoriented, grieving, and scared. The future becomes uncertain. Will they be in pain for the rest of their life? What about the medical bills? How do they go back to work when they’ve just lost a child or husband? What about the hopes and dreams they had for the future? We specialize in severe injury cases — And win over 98% of the time. We see people at the worst time in their entire lives: when a child or spouse has been lost, or their health permanently destroyed. That’s why we fight so hard to get you justice, including obtaining an award that recognizes the true extent of your losses. The Reiff Law Firm specializes in only severe injury and wrongful death cases. We take only a few cases at a time so we can focus and win. We take only cases we believe in, and we fight hard to get the most compensation for our clients.