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Why Companies Need to Rethink Their Communication Strategy for Remote Teams

— April 14, 2020

The new world of remote work, where employees struggle to learn the rules, managers are unsure how to help them, and organizations get a glimpse into the future. We at Scalefusion, have recently created an infographic that explains “Why Companies Need to Rethink Their Communication Strategy for Remote Teams.” It covers strategy, stats & facts, challenges, etc. related to remote team communication.

Today’s business world is extremely overwhelmed with the constant introduction of new communication tools, channels, and platforms – each promising to heighten employee productivity and operational efficiency. The ultimate challenge lies with the companies who need to cherry-pick the right communication tools (ignoring the others) based on relevance, objectivity and desired business results.

This is particularly true now, with so many of us working remotely due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and resulting Stay at Home Orders. Click on the image below to learn more about how your organization can rethink its communication strategy.

Typical Communication Methods Used for Remote Teams; graphic courtesy of author.
Typical Communication Methods Used for Remote Teams; graphic courtesy of author.

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