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What Are the Conditions that Qualify for a Disability Benefit Claim?

— May 12, 2020

Don’t lose heart if the application gets denied initially! That’s not the end of the process. You can ask the court to reconsider your case and ask for another hearing.

Most people think that applying for a disability benefits claim is challenging. The statistics mostly show that right at the start, people might not get their claims approved. But when they join hands with an able disability lawyer, they can get the benefits. So, if you are disabled and want to withdraw your claim, don’t listen to the stories in circulation. Instead, get in touch with an expert lawyer who will work with you and help you get the correct compensation.

Do you want to initiate this process? If yes, then other than joining hands with an expert attorney, you also have to provide the medical records and prescriptions that certify your medical condition. To know more about this, you can get in touch with disability attorneys in Raleigh. 

The physical conditions considered.

Disability income is paid to disabled workers who can prove their physical disability. And, here it is necessary to know about the physical conditions that are considered as disabled. The list includes:

  • Musculoskeletal issues.
  • Joint and bone disorders. 
  • Asthma. 
  • Hearing or vision loss. 
  • Respiratory ailments. 
  • Liver ailments. 
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Autism. 
  • Kidney ailments. 
  • Mental ailments such as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. 
  • AIDS/HIV. 
  • Arthritis. 
  • Lupus. 
  • Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.

If a person has any of the conditions listed above, they are given the benefits of the disability claim. The person also has the option to qualify for disability insurance by catering to other medical criteria. If they have the medical assistance of any disability that restricts the daily activity, and it makes them incapable of carrying on with the work, that condition might get counted as an advantage. The way out here is to offer correct medical proof not just of the disability, but the way it can restrict and avert one from earning their daily wage. Students with a disability may be interested to know that there is assistance available for them such that financing higher education won’t be as challenging.

Doctor Holding Cell Phone. Cell phones and other kinds of mobile devices and communications technologies are of increasing importance in the delivery of health care. Photographer Daniel Sone/National Cancer Institute, via
Doctor Holding Cell Phone. Cell phones and other kinds of mobile devices and communications technologies are of increasing importance in the delivery of health care. Photographer Daniel Sone/National Cancer Institute, via

How much time does it take to get the claim?

Your medical condition determines whether you will receive disability benefits or not. It depends on how the disability is making you suffer, whether you have any chance of improvement soon and the medical evidence to prove the same. Usually, it takes time to collect all these proofs and present it to the administrative body. And that is why there is no definite answer about the exact time needed to sanction the disability compensation. However, the following steps can help:

  • Regular  appointments with the concerned doctor are imperative. Your physician knows that you are seeking disability and can offer you all the notes, medical data to assist you in the process. 
  • Filling out the disability claim application and offer the correct medical documents. 
  • Getting the notice of the final decision. 

Don’t lose heart if the application gets denied initially! That’s not the end of the process. You can ask the court to reconsider your case and ask for another hearing. When you have a disability lawyer, you can file for an appeal when other procedures don’t work for you. Here you might have to withstand the delays of the application process. Hence, a few people can get their claims sanctioned within a few months, and it might take more time for others.

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