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Get Ready for Online Dental Consultation

— May 22, 2020

It is beneficial in many ways, and you should certainly take advantage of it to get personalized advice on oral health from an experienced dentist, particularly now, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Medical technology has changed so many things about how people access healthcare and medical services. In dentistry, for instance, online dental consultation is one of the key benefits. It is almost as simple as ABC for dental patients and those who are not sure about their dental health to get consultation and dental advice from some of the best dentists and dental professionals. In this post, we will be taking a look at some reasons to book online dental consultation and how to go about the process. 

Why Book an Online Dental Consultation

Seeing a dentist is not just about keeping a healthy smile. Dental care is an integral part of oral hygiene, which ultimately affects other aspects of your health. You may need dental online dental consultation for a new or old dental issue. It is simple and straightforward, and you can do it from the comfort of your bedroom.

A virtual consultation offers many advantages. Besides the fact that you don’t have to make a physical appointment to get a consultation from some of the best dentists, you can find the solution to your dental problem without visiting a clinic. Getting the perfect toothbrush subscription may be all you need. If there is a need for a procedure, it can also be scheduled. Overall, it makes dental care more accessible and more affordable. 

The Online Dental Consultation Process

As mentioned earlier, online dental consultation is simple and straightforward. The process involves three significant steps, which we will briefly discuss below:

Step One: Take a Picture of Your Teeth

For virtual consultation, photos of your teeth are required. Depending on the condition of your teeth or your major concern, two or more photos will be required. In most instances where patients have specific dental concerns, three photos will be required. Ideally, the three photos should be from the following angles:

Healthy, beautiful smile; image by Liz20151222, CC BY-SA 4.0, no changes, via Wikimedia Commons.
Healthy, beautiful smile; image by Liz20151222, CC BY-SA 4.0, no changes, via Wikimedia Commons.
  • Front, close-up view of your smile
  • Side view of your smile
  • Close-up view of the area of concern

More photos may be required if there are multiple concerns. It is also important that the patient send clear, high-quality pictures.

Step Two: Complete an Online Form

Patients will also need to complete an online form as a part of the requirement for an online dental consultation. The form is typically available on the same page the pictures are expected to be uploaded. Patients need to provide relevant information that will help the dentist understand the issues better.

In the online form, the patient must provide detailed pieces of information in the appropriate fields. The more detailed the information, the easier it will be for the dentist and dental professionals to provide high-quality personalized solutions to the dental issue.

Step Three: Get Dental Advice

This is the last stage of the process. From the photos and the information provided by the patient, dentists can understand the nature of dental issues and their severity. They will also come up with the best possible solution to the problem.

Depending on the clinic involved, there are different ways the dental advice can be delivered to patients. Some dentists will get back to the patients by email. Some others may call to offer the dental advice, answer some of the questions the patient may have, and suggest the best treatment approach.

There you have it! Above are some essential tips to get ready for a virtual dental consultation. Online dental consultation makes it easier for patients to get dental consultation from some of the best dentists they can contact. It is beneficial in many ways, and you should certainly take advantage of it to get personalized advice on oral health from an experienced dentist.

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