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How Do You Know If You Have a Legal Malpractice Case?

— June 4, 2024

Even though legal malpractice cases are not very common, they can change your world when they occur.

Handling the aftermath of a legal matter like injuries is a big challenge in itself. But if you hand over your case to a dishonest or incompetent lawyer, things might go from bad to worse in moments. You might have done all the research before appointing an attorney. However, the possibility of hiring a wrong or dishonest lawyer can never be counted out. When your lawyer commits malpractice, it will weaken your case. In some cases, you could potentially lose your case. Thankfully, victims of legal malpractice can still protect their rights by appointing the right legal malpractice attorneys.

It goes without saying that it could feel disheartening to see a lawyer turning his back on you when you need them the most. You put all your trust in their abilities to receive fair representation and guidance. But an attorney representing your case can also fall short of expectations, knowing or unknowingly.  

No matter the current status of your case, if you believe you have become a victim of legal malpractice, you can hire medical malpractice attorneys. Did you know according to the American Bar Association (ABA), attorneys face a yearly risk of being sued ranging from 4% to 17%, contingent on their practice area and jurisdiction? Let’s learn more about legal malpractice and how to know if you’ve become a victim of it.

Doctors and patient; image by DC Studio, via
Doctors and patient; image by DC Studio, via

Considerable Signs to Identify Legal Malpractice In Your Case

Even after identifying the signs of legal malpractice in your case, you still need to prove it. Because you suspect it, you can’t sue a lawyer whether they have lost the case. Proving your attorney has done something is an uphill battle. However, identifying signs of legal malpractice in your case can be challenging. However, some key signs might indicate that your attorney may have failed to meet their professional obligations. Let’s take a look at the six important signs to consider in your case:

Missed Deadlines or Court Filings

The first and foremost sign is that your attorney consistently fails to meet important deadlines. Regardless of the reasons, this is one certain thing you can notice. On the other hand, you should also consider whether your attorney files necessary documents in court on time. Remember, it could also be a sign of negligence. Make sure to contact Legal Malpractice Attorneys if you note this particular activity.

Lack of Communication

Effective communication between you and your attorney can always be crucial to determining the final outcome of your case. If your attorney doesn’t respond to your calls, emails, or requests for updates on your case, it may indicate they aren’t taking your case seriously. You never know. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and negatively impact your legal representation.

Failure to Follow Instructions

Your attorney is responsible for following your instructions and representing your best interests. Right? It’s the main reason why you have hire them. However, if they repeatedly disregard your preferences or make decisions without even consulting with you, it is a surefire sign of negligence.

Conflict of Interest

Of course, the attorney you have hired has a duty to avoid conflicts of interest. Why? This is because it can compromise their ability to represent you impartially. Somehow, when you find that your attorney has a personal or professional relationship that could influence their judgement or loyalty to you, it could be grounds for legal malpractice.

Inadequate Legal Advice or Strategy

A lawyer who specialises in a particular law is expected to offer competent advice to their clients. They must develop a strong strategy to help you win cases. But a lawyer who’s dishonest can do the opposite of it. So, they may offer poor, ineffective or flawed advice.

Loss of Case or Financial Harm

Last but not least, the outcome of your case can also reveal whether you are a victim of legal malpractice. You can do further investigation into your case if its outcomes have made you suffer a significant loss.

What To Do If You’re A Victim Of Legal Malpractice?

  • Ask your original attorney to provide you with the case file.
  • Re-collect all vital documentation related to your original case. 
  • Hire Medical Malpractice Attorneys if you’re a victim of medical malpractice.
  • Make sure to follow the advice of your attorney based on the situation.
  • Move ahead with your case by filing a complaint.
  • File a lawsuit against the lawyer or law firm responsible.

Wrapping Up

Even though legal malpractice cases are not very common, they can change your world when they occur. By keeping all the above information in mind, you can actually help yourself get the justice you deserve. The same things apply when you are hiring a lawyer for assault charges. Just like legal malpractice cases, the cases involving assault are very complex. That’s why you should focus on hiring the right lawyer who can help you get the compensation or justice you deserve. 

Fighting for your rights is always crucial, no matter what type of case you are involved in. Instead of giving up or finding other ways, you should contact a lawyer to provide what they do best. Make sure to hire wrongful death lawyers in Los Angeles if you’ve lost someone due to the negligence or wrongdoings of others.  The Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim is a reputed law firm that specialises in all types of personal injury cases. Whether you are a victim of legal malpractice or dog bite, they can help you get the compensation you deserve. Refer to their website now to learn more about them or schedule a consultation.

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