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How is Pain and Suffering Calculated Calculated in a Car Accident?

— June 7, 2022

It’s also worth noting that there are other types of non-economic damages that you can claim as well. For example, PTSD can be a legitimate non-economic damage, as can disfigurement.

Pain and suffering is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts when it comes to accident lawsuits. What exactly does this phrase mean? How much money will you get for pain and suffering after a car accident in Michigan? How is the total amount calculated? These are all very good questions, and they’re probably best left answered by a legal professional. While internet research can help you understand how pain and suffering works, a face-to-face consultation with a real lawyer is the best way to address your unique situation.

The good news is that there are plenty of accident attorneys who are ready and waiting to assist you. These legal professionals can help you receive your fair share for all of your damages – including those related to pain and suffering. It’s best to act quickly and book a consultation at your earliest convenience, as the statute of limitations can prevent you from suing if you wait too long. 

The Basics of Pain and Suffering

If you are injured in an accident, the physical and financial consequences only represent part of the equation. Virtually all injured victims suffer psychological issues as well, and this is what we mean when we say “pain and suffering.” This phrase is rather broad, and it encompasses various specific non-economic damages, such as anxiety, depression, emotional distress, and so on. 

Pain and Suffering is Just One Type of Non-Economic Damage

It’s also worth noting that there are other types of non-economic damages that you can claim as well. For example, PTSD can be a legitimate non-economic damage, as can disfigurement. You might also claim loss of consortium if your injuries have caused your romantic relationship to end. Speak with your attorney to assess the full range of non-economic damages that might apply to your case.

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Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

How Pain and Suffering is Calculated

Unlike financial losses, it’s difficult to ascertain exactly how much psychological and emotional issues are “worth” in dollar amounts. In the end, most courts assign you a “general damages multiplier” which represents all the non-economic damages you’ve been forced to endure. This number is then multiplied by the total of your economic damages to leave you with your settlement amount. 

For example, you might have incurred medical expenses and missed wages totaling $150,000, and your general damages multiplier might be three. This would leave you with a total of $450,000. 

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you’ve been searching the Traverse City area for a qualified, experienced accident attorney, look no further than Neumann Law Group. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured victims of car accidents – including those who have suffered tremendous non-economic damages. You deserve a settlement that adequately reflects these non-economic damages, and we can guide you towards fair financial compensation. Book your consultation today to learn more.

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