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A Quick Insight into Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

— August 19, 2022

You can look for symptoms of elderly neglect to understand the situation. Some common ones include bed sores, weight loss, dehydration, sleep issues, and changes in mood or behavior.

Nursing home abuse or neglect is a serious problem that can have devastating consequences for the residents of nursing homes. It can result in physical or emotional injuries or even death. Unfortunately, it is too familiar for nursing home staff to mistreat or neglect the residents in their care. Take action if you suspect a loved one is facing abuse or neglect. Contact the nursing home to express your concerns. If the situation doesn’t improve, document any injuries or changes in behavior you observe in the elderly, as this can be helpful evidence if legal action is necessary. Or, still better, consult a personal injury lawyer.

A supervisor intentionally neglecting a resident should be responsible if their actions lead to harm or even wrongful death. Besides, accidental neglect is also subject to scrutiny as it can cause severe damage in some cases. If you live in South Carolina, you can contact someone like McWhirter, Bellinger & Associates, P.A. for guidance in these complex scenarios to manage your situation wisely and safely.

Causes of nursing home neglect

Sometimes, it may be due to understaffing or a lack of qualified staff. In other cases, it may be due to a lack of resources or poor management. No matter what, it can lead to physical injuries, emotional distress, and even death. That’s why it is essential for nursing home residents and their families to be aware of the signs of neglect and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

Types of nursing home neglect

An example is a nursing home staff member failing to provide basic care for a resident. It can include not providing proper nutrition, hydration, etc. Another type of neglect is when a staff member doesn’t offer adequate medical care. Specifically, this may entail not administering medication or giving proper medical treatment. Negligence can also occur when a staff member doesn’t keep a safe and clean environment. The nursing staff must keep the nursing home free of hazardous materials to ensure patient security.

Neglecting the personal hygiene of the residents is also a serious concern. If residents are not clean, they become susceptible to developing skin infections, respiratory problems, and other health issues. This type of neglect can also lead to emotional distress and isolation.

Nursing homes must have policies and procedures to ensure that staff keeps residents clean and healthy. The team should have proper training in hygiene and infection control practices. Residents should also be able to maintain their hygiene, if possible.

Signs of nursing home neglect

You can look for symptoms of elderly neglect to understand the situation. Some common ones include bed sores, weight loss, dehydration, sleep issues, and changes in mood or behavior.

If you suspect your family member is facing difficulty in the nursing home, you must speak up. Reach out to a reputed personal injury lawyer for appropriate direction and information. Neglect is a serious issue, and you should not tolerate it. You cannot let your dear ones suffer when they need the utmost support. So, don’t hesitate, even if it involves taking legal action.


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