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Research Show Sufficient Vitamin D is Essential to Heart Health

— August 1, 2023

Getting sufficient vitamin D is crucial in numerous bodily functions and ensuring humans maintain adequate energy levels. It also helps to keep bones healthy and supports the immune system, to name a few of its benefits. In fact, a D deficiency can result in low energy, fatigue, and illness. Now, studies are indicating that this vitamin could also be essential in maintaining optimal heart health, reducing the chances a person will experience a life-threatening cardiovascular event. 

Heart health is vital for staying healthy, and doing everything possible to ensure one’s heart is in good shape, including following a proper diet and getting enough exercise, is essential. Current research also suggests that taking a vitamin D supplement can help to regulate blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and enhance the function of blood vessels throughout the body. Studies have also found that not having sufficient vitamin D levels leaves individuals at a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, stroke, and heart attack. One study, involving more than 10,000 participants, found correlation between vitamin D deficiency and an increased chance of developing heart disease.

Research Show Sufficient Vitamin D is Essential to Heart Health
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Regulating blood pressure is key in maintaining heart health, which is why these numbers are always included in vital checks when visiting a physician. Regularly monitoring blood pressure, even at home, is important (especially for individual who are overweight and/or have type 2 diabetes). Taking vitamin D supplements can result in a small yet significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, per a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Additionally, these supplements may augment the effects of antihypertensive drugs, potentially enhancing overall blood pressure management.

In addition to having high blood pressure, Inflammation is a factor in developing and advancing cardiovascular diseases, and vitamin D has been discovered to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It also has the ability to regulate the immune response. High-dose vitamin D supplements can enhance immune system functioning in individuals with autoimmune conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis, reducing pain and improving overall quality of life.

The findings of one study are encouraging, indicating that individuals who took high-dose vitamin D supplements over five years had a 22% lower risk of developing autoimmune conditions. Additionally, current studies are underway that are taking a closer look at the potential benefits of vitamin D in reducing the severity of COVID-19 infections, shortening recovery time, and lowering the risk of developing long COVID.

Vitamin D can also reduce the risk of cancer spreading. Although these supplements have not been proven to prevent cancer, the VITAL research team is currently exploring whether increasing intake may hinder its advancement and decrease cancer-related fatalities.

In general, sufficient vitamin D levels are crucial for overall health, and maintaining optimal levels through appropriate sun exposure, diet, and supplementation, if necessary, may be beneficial for cardiovascular well-being. The primary source of vitamin D is sunlight, as the skin produces this when exposed to ultraviolet B rays. However, many different factors including location, time of year and the use of sunscreen can impact how this vitamin is synthesized in the body. Therefore, adding D to one’s diet in supplement form or by incorporating fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks, into a diet plan, can help ensure adequate levels.


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