Do your best to wake up around the same time every day, and the same goes for getting into bed. This can also introduce a sense of normalcy into your life, which was definitely much needed in 2020.
The Covid-19 pandemic and related lockdowns that the world has been experiencing in recent months has been challenging for everybody. It has led to a lot of stress and worry amongst the public. Of course, this is in addition to the obvious health risks and concerns.
This constant state of stress and worry has made sleeping difficult for many people during these times. A lack of sleep can lead to reduced performance at work or school, an irritable mood and even issues with your physical health.
It can also hurt your immune function to consistently get a lack of quality sleep. As you could imagine, this can leave you more vulnerable in these difficult times. Because of this, getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep as an adult is very important. Thankfully, there are some helpful ways to ensure you can get a restful night of sleep during lockdown.
Ensure You Have All the Right Materials
While the stress and worry about the virus has indeed caused some people to lose sleep, it isn’t the only reason your sleep could be suffering. It could be related to things like your pillow, your sheets, or most importantly, your mattress. They are critical to being able to have a good sleep every night.
If you haven’t replaced these things in multiple years, now might be the time. If you have gone years without sleeping in a quality bed, you might not even know what you’re missing. When looking for a new bed, be sure to get one that not only fits in your room, but also fits your sleeping style.
Some are better for different sleeping positions, some offer different levels of support and some have a tendency to run hot or cold. You need to do your research before deciding which new mattress to purchase. For example, be sure to check out this article to learn about some of the best mattresses for those who sleep on their sides.
Ensure You Are Exposed to Light Throughout the Day
While you might think that bright lights are the enemy of a good sleep, that isn’t actually the case. Exposure to bright light during the day can actually be beneficial to your sleep at night. This is because light helps to regulate your circadian rhythm, which is the internal clock of your body.

If you expose yourself to light during the day, your body will know it is the daytime and that can help it eventually adjust to sleep later in the day. If your body gets no light all day, it can sometimes struggle to adapt, which can make it harder to fall asleep or make you feel sluggish throughout the day.
Unfortunately, with many of us staying inside and staying home more than ever, most of us aren’t getting enough of this bright light during the day. Even if you are at home all day, it’s important to make an effort to get outside and see the light for at least a little while every single day.
Try to Maintain a Consistent Schedule
This pandemic has been anything but consistent and predictable, as everyone is just trying to get through it as best they can. However, you should try your best to maintain a consistent schedule when it comes to sleep. Your mind and body finds it much easier to adapt to a sleeping schedule as opposed to waking up and going to bed whenever you want.
Do your best to wake up around the same time every day, and the same goes for getting into bed. This can also introduce a sense of normalcy into your life, which was definitely much needed in 2020.
In addition to a good sleeping schedule, you should attempt to develop a pre-sleep nighttime routine. If you go right to bed after watching a movie or playing a video game, falling asleep can be difficult. You should be doing things to relax and wind down in the evening, instead of things that wake you up. This can include yoga, a bubble bath, some meditation or reading a good book.
Helping You Sleep During the Lockdown
Sleep is something that many people have been struggling with in recent months. If you can have a consistent schedule, expose yourself to light during the day, and ensure your sleeping materials are high-quality, you are well on your way to improving your sleep quality.
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