Regardless of the driver’s reasons, this kind of behavior is always illegal, as it puts the lives of others in danger and creates serious problems on the roads.
Sacramento, CA – There are a number of reasons why driving trucks and large commercial vehicles is considered one of the most dangerous occupations in California. These vehicles can be difficult to control, drivers can lose their focus after long hours, and another serious danger in the industry is substance abuse. Collisions where larger commercial vehicles are involved also tend to average between a few hundred thousand and millions of dollars in losses.
After any collision, accident victims will contact their insurance company and speak with Sacramento accident lawyers about bringing a lawsuit for compensation for their injuries.
Laws against driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Drunk driving is illegal in California as in every other state. It is possible that a drunk driver can face severe fines, lose their driver’s license for months or years, and even spend time in jail. Mandatory substance treatment is also a common condition of the sentence for drunk driving crimes. Another concern for commercial drivers is that they may have great difficulty finding work if there is a conviction for a crime related to drunk driving on their record. If a driver harms others while they are intoxicated they can face civil lawsuits as well. These cases can proceed with the help of Sacramento truck accident lawyers even if the driver was never convicted in criminal court.
Why substance abuse happens among truckers

Driving for long periods of time tends to be very stressful and monotonous. Most people get frustrated in traffic and lose their focus. Drugs and alcohol can be used as a way to help drivers relieve stress, or even affect the driver’s performance by helping them stay aware during long hours. It is also possible that someone already has addiction issues when they apply to become a commercial driver, and their problems even affect their working hours as well. Regardless of the driver’s reasons, this kind of behavior is always illegal, as it puts the lives of others in danger and creates serious problems on the roads.
A related problem is that drug and alcohol abuse among all drivers is not always detected until there is an accident or it is too late to prevent a crash. It is estimated that for every person who drives after using drugs or alcohol, only a small percentage of them are ever caught by law enforcement or noticed due to a traffic incident.
Additional information after an accident in California is a site that lists lawyers all over the country divided by their state and practice area. Those who are currently searching for local attorneys in Sacramento or any other city can call 800-672-3103 for help.
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