Being eligible for VA disability benefits can be a great financial relief.
The VA is a federal agency that provides benefits to veterans. If you have a disability that qualifies you for compensation, you may be able to get help from the government. The type of disability you have determines how the VA compensates you for your service-related injuries.
Some of these disability claims include the following conditions: tinnitus, hearing loss, PTSD, cervical strain, limitation of flexion, and scar claims. However, the VA must first determine whether your disability is service-connected based on your injury, past medical history, and other factors.
Tinnitus VA Claims
The VA will consider tinnitus as a compensable impairment if you have a medically determinable impairment caused by military service (i.e., injuries received in combat or from an accident during training).
The VA does not normally award tinnitus compensation unless associated with another compensable impairment like hearing loss or dizziness. To qualify for compensation, it must be over a certain degree of severity and significantly impact your daily life.
Tinnitus is a condition that causes ringing or buzzing noises in the ear. It can be constant, intermittent, or fluctuating depending on the cause and severity of the symptoms. It can be caused by various conditions, including:
- Brain injury
- Ear infection
- Noise-induced hearing loss
If your tinnitus comes with other symptoms, such as dizziness or nausea, it’s essential to see an ear doctor. The VA will verify this with a medical professional who has treated you for a tinnitus-related condition or by talking with your treating physician.
PTSD VA Claims
If you have PTSD from military service, it could be possible to make a claim under the Veterans Act based on your mental health condition and its impact on your life. In severe cases, PTSD will affect someone’s ability to work, have a social life and lead an active life.
As such, PTSD can be considered a service-connected injury under the VA Act if it was caused by military service. This means that if you have PTSD as a result of military service, then it could be possible to make a compensation claim.
The assistance of experienced West Virginia VA disability lawyers can potentially make the difference in making an accurate determination as to your eligibility for VA disability benefits.
Lumbosacral and Cervical Strain VA Claims

These claims are there to help veterans who suffer from lumbosacral strain or cervical strain injuries related to their military service. These claims provide compensation for these types of injuries and help pay for medical bills incurred by victims.
Limitation of Flexion (Knee) VA Claims
If you have been diagnosed with arthritis in your knee joint, benefits may be awarded to cover the cost of knee surgery and rehabilitation. If you suffer from this disability, you may not be able to bend your knee past 90 degrees without experiencing pain and discomfort in the knee joint.
An example of this type of disability would be arthritis or osteoporosis, which could cause deterioration of cartilage tissue in your knee joint, causing it to become inflamed when bent.
This condition can result in pain and swelling when you push off with your foot and extend your knee fully. Limitation of flexion may also cause problems when walking because it limits your ability to pivot at the knee joint.
Hearing Loss
Hearing loss as part of your disability must interfere with at least one significant life activity, such as working, communicating with others, seeing, and following directions. When your hearing loss is caused by an injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, you may qualify for compensation through the VA.
Also, if you have hearing loss due to age or noise-induced hearing loss, you may be eligible for compensation if:
- The VA finds that your hearing problem impacts how well you can hear
- The VA doesn’t find any other reason for your hearing problem
- You’ve been treated for your hearing problem for more than one year, and your claim has been pending for at least 12 months
One should also remember that if the hearing loss does not interfere with any other major life activity, it will not qualify as a compensable condition under the VA statute. This is unless it has been documented by a qualified medical professional such as an audiologist or otologist who has recorded specific findings based on objective testing procedures such as audiograms.
General Scars Claims
These are claims where the veteran has suffered from a long-lasting injury or condition that affects the overall appearance of their body and causes permanent scarring. The general scars program provides compensation to veterans who suffered from the effects of burn injuries and other types of scars. Veterans can receive up to $100,000 in this type of VA disability claim.
For example, if you have been diagnosed with a condition such as spinal stenosis, your condition may have caused permanent scars on your body. If this is the case, you may be eligible for compensation for these injuries under a general scar claim.
The Bottom Line
Being eligible for VA disability benefits can be a great financial relief. In most cases, the approval process takes months, sometimes even years. VA disability attorneys can help with all types of veteran disability benefits claims.
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