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What are Some Reasons an Employer Can Be Sued in Maryland?

— September 7, 2022

Employers have an obligation to provide a workplace that is safe for all kinds of workers and free from harassment.

Baltimore, MD – Many workers in Maryland and other states will have to endure some kind of illegal workplace conduct throughout the course of their career. However, workers should know that they always have the right to meet with a lawyer and bring a lawsuit if necessary. The employer also cannot start to mistreat the worker after they have taken action, as this is illegal as well. There are some common issues in workplaces that form the basis for many labor and employment lawsuits.

Illegal pay practices

Employers in Maryland are all required to follow laws related to minimum wage, overtime, deductions from paychecks, and various other pay regulations. The employer also cannot take a worker’s tips if this is how they are paid. Any worker who discovers that they have not been paid properly has the right to bring this issue to their employer’s attention. In some cases, the employer may have made a payroll mistake or some other kind of honest error. However, if the employer refuses to fix the issue, it is possible that they can be sued. If the worker is successful in the lawsuit, the employer will need to pay all outstanding wages, plus other damages such as interest. 

Sexual harassment 

Employers have an obligation to provide a workplace that is safe for all kinds of workers and free from harassment. Many times, this is accomplished through relevant training and spreading awareness among employees. However, the obligation for employers to protect workers extends even to customers who are responsible for illegal harassment. The worker also cannot be forced to engage in sexual acts by a superior as a condition of receiving benefits or keeping their job, as this is one of the most serious types of harassment.

Image by Mohamed_Hassan, via
Image by Mohamed_Hassan, via

If a worker is subjected to a hostile work environment due to their gender or sex, the victim can bring a sexual harassment lawsuit. Compensation may include the costs associated with finding new employment, as well as treatment and counseling. 


Employees should not have to fear any adverse actions against them for simply asserting their rights or making their employer aware of illegal actions. Retaliation is when the employer subjects the worker to unfair treatment for taking a legally protected action. 

If a worker finds that they have been terminated, demoted, or otherwise mistreated for putting their employer on notice for illegal actions, they can bring a separate lawsuit for retaliation. 

More information about labor and employment lawsuits in Maryland is a directory of lawyers who can help people with all of their employment law issues in the Baltimore area. Anyone who needs assistance can find a local legal professional by choosing their location and a relevant practice area. 

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