Life is difficult enough without having to deal with all of the effects and results of any physical disability. Unfortunately, not many get to choose the circumstances surrounding their health, leaving some at a disadvantage that might seem cruel and insurmountable.
Thankfully, the legal system of the United States has made it possible to receive some degree of compensation for the disability you are suffering from. By succeeding in a social security disability claim through the aid of a talented attorney, the downsides of disability can be dramatically reduced.
Interested in seeing what options you have at your disposal? File a social security disability claim in Pittsburgh today rather than later – any minute you lose could be important.
What is Social Security Disability?
Two programs are taken into consideration when considering what aid you can receive from the government when having a disability. They are called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) respectively, with each of them having its own functions and benefits.
We’re going to be explaining the advantages of both as well as the key differences.
Social Security Disability Insurance
The SSDI is one of the first of the two programs that are federally funded and also administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
In simple terms, you or any other eligible member of the family can receive disability benefits if you have worked for a certain amount of time and suffer from a medical condition that makes it impossible to work for at least one year, or, worse, is expected to result in death.
Supplemental Security Income
The SSI is the counterpart to the SSDI and offers a constant income to affected individuals. Compared to the SSDI, which is based on past work experience and contributions made to the Social Security trust fund, the SSI primarily functions on a per-need basis.
The monthly amount you receive is determined by Congress each year and cannot be easily guessed without previous research. On the other hand, some states tend to provide an additional amount that supplements the main income.
How Can I Benefit From the Program?
Both initiatives target people suffering from most common disabilities, although a generalization is that it primarily applies to disabled, blind, or elderly individuals. The SSDI is also applicable to family members if they are eligible.
You must go through a level of effort to successfully qualify for the program, however. There are several sources of documentation that you must provide.

The SSI program requires information regarding your income as well as your living arrangement. This means providing details regarding your accommodations. Furthermore, you will also have to declare any worthwhile personal resources and assets to the SSA for them to determine the correct income amount.
Conversely, the SSDI needs you to provide any information about your wages, such as your work history as well as the earnings you accrued and/or are paid as a salary.
Applying for SSI Without Work Experience
Surprisingly, people who do not have any previous work experience under their belt can still be eligible for SSI if they meet certain requirements.
In short, they must be an adult who became disabled before turning 22 and whose parents are either deceived, in retirement, or already on disability, in which case they gain access to what would be called child benefits – or, more correctly, (DAC) benefits.
Help From the System
More than a bit of research needs to be done in order to take advantage of the programs put forward by the SSA. Thankfully, you don’t need to do most of it yourself since you will receive all the assistance you require once you contact the correct people.
Even more curious about the social disability system? Read more about it on the SSA website, along with any other relevant information. Don’t be afraid to pursue a disability claim, as even the slightest financial aid can significantly improve your living conditions.
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