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What is the Definition of “Disfigurement” in a DUI Crash?

— May 6, 2022

If you suffered facial burns due to a DUI accident and your total economic damages are worth $100,000, your general damages multiplier may be four, leaving you with a total of $400,000.

One of the worst possible outcomes of a DUI accident is disfigurement. Although other injuries may heal, a disfigurement is usually a permanent issue. Even worse, a disfigurement can lead to serious psychological issues as victims strive to live life as normal despite this life-changing injury. A disfigurement can change much more than just our health – it changes the way we look at ourselves. But what exactly is the definition of a “disfigurement” in a DUI crash, and how can it affect you in a legal context?

If you have questions such as these, it’s probably best to get in touch with a qualified, experienced attorney as soon as possible. If you find yourself dealing with a disfigurement, you might be asking yourself: “Where can I find attorneys near me?” The good news is that there are plenty of qualified Cincinnati accident lawyers who are currently standing by to assist you, and you only need to reach out in order to get started. These legal professionals can ensure you receive a fair, adequate settlement for everything you have been forced to endure. 

What is Disfigurement?

While the official legal definition of disfigurement1 can vary, it is generally described as a “permanent change in a person’s body” that affects a person’s appearance. Here are some common examples of disfigurement:

  • Amputation
  • Scarring
  • Burns

How Does Disfigurement Affect a DUI Lawsuit?

A genuine disfigurement can affect a DUI lawsuit considerably. Victims can claim additional damages on top of medical expenses and missed wages if they have suffered these types of injuries. Why? Because courts recognize that a disfigurement affects much more than just a person’s health. This is why disfigurement is considered a “non-economic” damage, which means that it causes losses that are psychological, emotional, or mental in nature.

Stressed out woman on sofa, man looking on; Photo by RODNAE Productions on
Stressed out woman on sofa, man looking on; Photo by RODNAE Productions on

Non-economic damages are very important in a personal injury lawsuit because they can significantly increase the amount of your total settlement. These non-economic damages take the form of a “general damages multiplier,” which can then be used to multiply your total economic damages. 

For example, if you suffered facial burns2 due to a DUI accident and your total economic damages are worth $100,000, your general damages multiplier may be four, leaving you with a total of $400,000. 

Where Can I Find a Qualified Attorney Near Me?

If you’ve been searching for Cincinnati DUI or DWI accident lawyers, there are many options available to you. Although it’s always a good idea to choose your attorney carefully for the best results, you should also avoid delaying too long. The statute of limitations can actually prevent you from suing altogether after a few years, so it’s best to get started right away. Reach out, book your consultation with a lawyer near you, and take your first steps towards fair compensation. 



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