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What Kinds of Sexual Harassment Training Should be Provided by Employers in Alabama?

— November 30, 2021

As a general rule, training sessions are most effective if they are conducted at regular intervals such as annually or bi-annually.

Moody, AL – Employers should always make an effort to ensure that their workers understand sexual harassment laws, as well as how to spot and prevent this illegal behavior when it happens. While Alabama does not require harassment training for compliance with state law, it is still a good idea for workers to have some basic knowledge of how sexual harassment laws will apply to them while they are working. 

Review of the company’s written policy

The company should have some kind of sexual harassment policy formalized in writing. This will outline procedures for investigating complaints and how the company will take action. It should also contain formal definitions that describe various kinds of harassment. There should be adherence to the policy by workers and administrators alike, and rules should be applied consistently regardless of who makes complaints or who is accused. 

On the job scenarios

Employers should demonstrate what kinds of situations are likely to result in sexual harassment based on the specific industry and line of work. This will help give a practical understanding to how sexual harassment may occur. Some industries deal with high volumes of customers, where it is more likely that customers may be responsible for harassment, while other jobs may have coworkers who spend long hours together where harassment may occur. During this section, the employer may want to mention bystander intervention, where someone aside from the victim can report harassment that they have seen. 

Webinar training

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Many businesses have implemented training through webinars and other forms of technology that can be taken at convenient times for both the employer and the worker. A training professional should also be available to answer questions that come up during the course of the web based training session. Assessments can also be given at the end of the training to test the worker’s knowledge of important concepts. 

Training intervals

As a general rule, training sessions are most effective if they are conducted at regular intervals such as annually or bi-annually. This also allows for updates in the company’s policy or harassment laws to be addressed during training sessions. If the employer works with temporary or seasonal workers, it may be beneficial to give them some kind of harassment training shortly after their start date. Other workers such as contractors and interns may need to be trained as well to help reduce the possibility of problems. 

Assistance from legal professionals

Hill, Gosset, Kemp & Hufford, P.C. is a group of lawyers who work throughout communities in Alabama. Anyone who needs help from a sexual harassment attorney can browse their site to contact their attorneys. 

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