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4 Main Causes of Bus Accidents

— December 5, 2022

Speeding is one of the most apparent causes of any vehicle accident, but when bus driver does this, they’re putting multiple lives at risk, not just their own.

The most common cause of vehicle accidents is driver error, and a bus accident is no different. Although other types of negligence may play their parts, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it’s essential to know that other facts may lead to errors.

If you’ve recently been involved in a bus accident or want to learn more about the primary forms of negligence, this is the article for you.

Driving While Tired

Unfortunately, drive errors often begin with fatigue because most bus drivers are required to drive for long hours. As a result, they’re kept on the road for too long, which causes sleep deprivation and fatigue. These two factors may cause an accident after forgetting to signal or missing a stop sign.

Usually, this is the bus companies’ fault because they have demanding schedules and sometimes unrealistic service hours for commercial drivers. If that’s the case, you can always complain about your city’s bus system. For example, if you’re from San Diego, California, you can make a report to San Diego Metropolitan Transit System – MTS for future reference.

However, if you’ve been involved in a bus accident due to the driver’s tiredness, you can always consult with professional lawyers, and they’ll advise you on further legal steps.

Distracted Driving               

Distracted driving can take many forms, but the most common one is any activity that means taking your hands off the wheel, mind off of driving, or eyes off the road. If you happen to be in a bus accident where the driver was distracted, you can always seek legal help from a qualified attorney.

If you live in San Diego, California, you can reach out to San Diego Bus Accident Lawyers, who will handle any legal paperwork if you want to take the case to court or make a claim.

Intoxicated Driving

As with any driver, a bus driver can also leave their passengers open to risks when they operate the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Naturally, driving requires a person to be at their total capacity to drive behind the wheel.

However, an intoxicated bus driver can make a poor decision or swerve between lanes, causing a significant collision. For that reason, seeking compensation for your injuries or other losses is essential. You can always contact California Bus Accident Lawyers if the accident happened in that area because they know your state’s laws better and can help navigate your case more effortlessly.

Talilights of vehicles in timelapse photo on bridge; image by Aurelien Dockwiller, via
Talilights of vehicles in timelapse photo on bridge; image by Aurelien Dockwiller, via


Speeding is one of the most apparent causes of any vehicle accident, but when bus driver does this, they’re putting multiple lives at risk, not just their own. Not only that, but the bus is much larger than a typical car, so that the consequences can be more severe.

Due to a bus’s weight and height, speeding can result in severe injuries and even passenger fatalities. That’s why you should always consider reaching out to San Diego Accident Lawyers to ensure you’re eligible for your damages or make a lawsuit against the bus company. These professional attorneys can investigate your case and represent you.

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