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4 Things to Do When You Get Into a Car Accident

— October 3, 2019

These are tips to help you if you suddenly find yourself in an unfortunate situation such as a car accident.

It is understandable to be a little confused and shocked when you get into a car accident. Even the most level-headed and smart person can become at a loss at the situation he/she is facing. So, what do you really do when you get into a car accident? It is good to familiarize yourself with the steps in the hopes you will remember a few points if and when the need arises.


It is your legal obligation to halt if you are involved in an accident. Whether a big or small collision, you must always stop your vehicle.

Check the Damage

Examine the extent of the damages the collision caused. As much as possible, it is advisable to leave your vehicle as-is. This is so that when the police arrive at the scene, they can examine and identify what exactly transpired in the accident.

Contact the Authorities

Two police SUVs on a New York City street at night; image by Matteo Monica, via
Two police SUVs on a New York City street at night; image by Matteo Monica, via

To take care of the details and so that a legal accident report is furnished, police must be present at the scene. This is also to determine who is liable for the damages caused.

Call a Lawyer

A Boynton Beach car accident attorney will help you with the discussion with the other party. If you are after your insurance claim, it is best to let your lawyer do the talking for you. As a rule, if you want your insurance to pay for your damages, you must not admit to any liability or fault. So, before you say anything you regret, call a lawyer

These are tips to help you if you suddenly find yourself in an unfortunate situation such as a car accident. Accidents take lives, and you wouldn’t want your life taken by an accident that could have been avoided, right? So always practice safe and defensive driving.

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