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How to Write Goodbye Email to Coworkers

— July 13, 2021

Right after your salutation and a quick mention of your departure date, you’ll need to show how much your coworkers mean to you. 


You’re about to leave your job and start a new chapter in your professional life.

That feels good. 

And while you still have minor unfinished business to take care of before the departure, you’re ready to sprint for the exit.

But—before you do, you may want to take the time to write a goodbye email to coworkers.


For one, it’s good etiquette. You’ve spent quite a bit of time with your colleagues (even if you didn’t form close bonds with them), and a goodbye email lets thank your peers for that shared time.

Two, it’s a smart career move. One of your coworkers could end up in a cake company and give you the ticket to your future dream job later on.

So, keep scrolling to learn how to write a strong goodbye letter to coworkers.

Nail Down the Basics

Before we get to the meat and potatoes of writing goodbye emails, there are several ground rules you should follow.

Keep Things Short

Most of us don’t want to read long emails, no matter how well-written they are.

So, keep your goodbye message short and sweet. To do it, aim for around 7-8 paragraphs or 150 words.

Avoid Sending a Group Email

Nothing is exciting about receiving a generic letter that’s been machine-gunned to a dozen other people.

That’s why it’s critical to send each coworker a personal message to show you care. Luckily, it’s enough to change the name and one or two details in your letter, unless it’s one of your cherished contacts. 

In the latter case, spend a bit more time to make your message sound more personal. For example, you could share an inside joke, a good memory, or even a make compliment.

Get the Timing Right

Here, it’s plain and simple:

Send your goodbye email a day or two before your last day. 

Start with a Strong Subject Line

So far, so good.


It’s time to pen a subject line for your goodbye letter. While it might seem easy, it hardly ever is when you get actually get around to write it.

The key, however, is to make it clear and straightforward. 

Below are a few subject line examples:

  • Farewell message from [Your Name]
  • My last day at [Company Name]
  • Thank you, [Collegue’s First Name]
  • Moving on
  • Let’s stay in touch

Highlight How Much Your Coworkers Mean to You

Here comes the critical part.

Team doing a hands-in huddle; image by Perry Grone, via
Image by Perry Grone, via

Right after your salutation and a quick mention of your departure date, you’ll need to show how much your coworkers mean to you. 

For starters, take on a positive tone. Then, avoid generic phrases like “I value this relationship.” Instead, go for specifics that directly relate to your team.

Lastly, show gratitude for the chance to work with such talented people and grow alongside them.

If you’re struggling with this part, don’t worry. There’s a sample goodbye email for coworkers below you can use for inspiration.

Provide Your Contact Information

To help keep your relationships alive, you need to give coworkers your contact information.

After all, you won’t have access to your work email after leaving, which could make you hard to reach.


Always provide your personal email address, LinkedIn, and, optionally, your phone number.

Sample Goodbye Email to Colleagues

Here’s a customizable template for your goodbye emails to coworkers.

Subject line: Farewell message from [Max]

Hi Peter,

As you might already know, I’m leaving my [content marketing position] here at [iFruit]. My last day is [12/12/2021].

While I’m thrilled to start a new chapter in my professional life, I wanted to let you know that I’ve genuinely enjoyed working with you. You were always willing to offer a helping hand when I struggled, and you played an instrumental role in helping me [grow/become a professional copywriter.]

Although I’m moving on, I’d like for us to stay in touch. You can reach me at my personal email address [], on my cell at [545-321-8877], or on [LinkedIn]. 

Best of luck in all your future endeavors!

Sincerely yours,

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