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What are the Legal Implications of Unsafe Truck Cargo?

— January 28, 2022

If a truck accident does end up happening due to a failure in proper cargo securing, a truck accident attorney can help the victim carry out a detailed investigation.

Out of the many rules that truck drivers are expected to follow, there is one specific set of regulations that apply to the cargo they are transporting. The cargo loads that truck drivers carry around have to follow the mandated legal requirements, and if truck drivers and companies are found violating these rules, they will have to face the consequences of their actions. 

The reason cargo security is taken so seriously is because when cargo is too heavy or not fastened properly it can lead to devastating effects of the road and many drivers may suffer serious injuries and damages because of these rules not being taken as seriously as they should. The rules for cargo securement are actually very detailed and trucking companies and drivers are expected to be well-versed with them and follow them down to the last detail so they can fulfill their duty of care to everyone they will be sharing the road with. The details of cargo securement include the types of cargo that can be transported, what devices can be used for securement, and weight limitations.

The main purpose of cargo securement regulations is to prevent the cargo from moving excessively around to the point it would pose a threat to the driver and other drivers once the truck starts moving on the road. 

If a truck accident does end up happening due to a failure in proper cargo securing, a truck accident attorney can help the victim carry out a detailed investigation and analysis to gather evidence for the root cause of the accident. Once a person has evidence, they can file a claim against the party who was at fault and get the compensation they require to meet their new medical and financial needs that arose from the collision.

Common types of truck accidents caused by cargo complications in Orange County, Florida

Truck accident on SR 20; image by WA State DoT, via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, no changes.
Truck accident on SR 20; image by WA State DoT, via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, no changes.

When the rules for cargo securement are not taken seriously, then there are certain types of truck collisions that become more likely. Rollover truck accident can take place when the cargo keeps shifting and this changes the center of balance in the vehicle.

Jackknife truck accidents can also occur when the hitches were not secured thoroughly enough to other driving sections of the vehicle. Runaway trailer accidents also take place when cargo continues to shift rapidly, and it gains more momentum over the securement put in place.

Victims of truck accidents should not waste time and they should get in touch with a truck accident lawyer at Chudleigh Law to start an investigation and hold the at-fault party responsible for their negligence.

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