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What are Some Examples of Workplace Discrimination in Georgia?

— June 24, 2022

Discrimination can occur before you even become an “official” employee.

All employers in Georgia should do everything in their power to prevent workplace discrimination. This type of misconduct has no place in the modern world, but unfortunately, it still rears its ugly head from time to time. If you have experienced discrimination at your workplace, you might be wondering whether or not these actions are actually illegal. So what exactly is the legal definition of discrimination, and what are some examples of this behavior? When you know what to look for, it becomes easier to identify workplace discrimination. 

Identifying workplace discrimination is only the first step. Next, you’ll need to get in touch with a qualified, experienced employment law attorney and hold your employer accountable for their negligence and misconduct. With an attorney by your side, you can file a lawsuit and recover a considerable settlement for everything you have been forced to endure. 

Discrimination During the Hiring Process

Discrimination can occur before you even become an “official” employee. If an employer chooses not to hire you because of your race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other trait that you cannot control, this is a clear form of discrimination. Discrimination can also occur because of a disability or age. Here are some examples of discrimination during the hiring process:

  • Not hired because you’re a woman
  • Not hired because you’re “too old”
  • Not hired because of your race
  • Not hired because of your religion

Discrimination During Work

Of course, discrimination can also occur after you get hired. Basically, your employer is not allowed to treat you differently because of any trait you cannot control. You cannot be given special jobs based on these traits, and you cannot be referred to in demeaning terms. Here are a few examples:

pregnant woman; image courtesy of Cparks via Pixabay,
  • A woman is given different duties because she is pregnant
  • A homosexual individual is called derogatory slurs
  • A woman is subjected to rude and inappropriate sexual jokes

Discrimination During Transfers and Promotions

In addition, you may be the victim of discrimination while applying for transfers and promotions. In many cases, the most qualified individuals are passed up for promotions and new jobs within certain organizations because of traits they cannot control. For example, an individual of a certain ethnicity may find themselves stuck in an entry-level position while others are continuously promoted and given more challenging, higher-paid roles. 

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you’ve been searching the Atlanta area for a qualified, experienced employment law attorney, there are many options available to you. These legal professionals can fight for your rights in an effective, confident manner. Make no mistake – workplace discrimination is highly illegal, and you have every right to take legal action if you have experienced this type of misconduct. Book your consultation today to learn more about your legal options. 

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