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What Should I Do If an Independent Adjuster Calls After a Truck Accident?

— July 28, 2022

If you are unsure if a recorded statement will help your claim or endanger it, consult a personal injury lawyer before making any statement to the insurance adjuster.

It can be challenging to remain calm in the face of a truck accident. What you do next is critical and can affect your chances of recovery. Your priority should be to ensure your safety and report the crash to the authorities. It is best to seek medical care even if you feel fine, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.

If an independent adjuster calls after the incident, avoid giving a recorded statement about what happened. Be careful about what you say, as even an honest expression of regret may be interpreted as an admission of guilt.

Do Not Give a Recorded Statement About the Truck Accident

You do not need to give a recorded statement about a truck accident if you don’t want to do that. Insurance companies will compare your statements to witnesses’ statements and look for inconsistencies.

They may ask you questions about your injuries, like where you feel pain or what part of your body is injured. These answers will be used during the claim evaluation process.

It is also essential to avoid making recorded statements after a vehicle wreck. After all, you may still be in shock. However, if you cannot avoid talking with the insurance adjuster, it is wise to talk to an attorney beforehand. A lawyer can further guide you on how you should answer certain questions.

Do Not Apologize for the Crash to an Insurance Adjuster

After an accident, you may be tempted to apologize or offer to pay the other driver’s medical bills. Do not apologize, as this will only place the blame on you. Apologizing for the crash will only give the wrong impression to law enforcement officials. This might hurt your chances of seeking compensation for the damages you suffered.

It is critical to remain as professional and unapologetic as possible while dealing with an insurance adjuster. They are hired to protect the interests of the company. Adjusters are looking for damaging statements against you that could invalidate your injury claim. Never apologize to an insurance adjuster after a truck accident. Instead, seek legal counsel for your case.

Do Not Sign Any Forms Without a Truck Accident Lawyer Present

Be careful not to sign any forms or statements without consulting a lawyer first. The insurance company will more likely agree to a fair settlement deal after you talk to an Atlanta truck accident attorney. Having an attorney on your side will ensure that your rights and best interest are protected throughout the proceedings.

Play on Empathy

When dealing with an insurance adjuster after a truck accident, try appealing to their sensitive side. Try to elicit empathy by explaining your hardships because of the accident.

This may encourage the insurance adjuster to give you the compensation you deserve. However, bear in mind that adjusters are instructed to represent company interests above client needs, so do not get your hopes too high with this strategy.

Do Not Back Down During Negotiations

Two men and two women sitting at table in meeting; image by Edmond Dantès, via
Two men and two women sitting at table in meeting; image by Edmond Dantès, via

Do not give in to their pressure and back down when negotiating a fair settlement. It is essential to remain calm and show determination as you negotiate a fair settlement offer.

While you may feel sympathetic toward insurance adjusters after a truck accident, do not let your guard down. Although they work for your insurance company, their job is to deny or minimize claims to save money.

Protect Your Rights After a Trucking Accident

Even though insurance adjusters are generally friendly and sympathetic, they are not on your side. They are trying to settle claims for as little money as possible. This means they will ask you for information about your past medical history, prior injuries, and more.

If you are unsure if a recorded statement will help your claim or endanger it, consult a personal injury lawyer before making any statement to the insurance adjuster.

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