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Managing Law Firm Social Media in the Age of Coronavirus

— June 12, 2020

Coronavirus is impacting everyone out there. Now is the right time to focus on building your brand recognition as a firm that can easily be trusted.

Who would have thought all of a sudden everything would be changed, from the way we live to how we communicate. But over the last couple months, the world is experiencing what it never imagined. With so much going on, we often question ourselves if this is the right time, during the COVID-19 pandemic, to market yourself. While you are free to do so, you need to be careful with the approach you follow. Here are some law firm marketing tips for managing law firm social media in the age of coronavirus.

● It’s time to be sensitive

Social media plays a vital role in helping individuals and companies connect with their audience in such hard times. While your business might slow down a bit, you still need to focus on building healthy relationships through your social media posts that encourage your viewers to stay calm while they are also informed about what’s going on around them.

● Spend some time reviewing your scheduled posts

As a part of your ongoing social media campaigns, you might have certain scheduled posts for your social media channels which might not be relevant at such times. You need to revisit them, modify such posts to ensure it doesn’t fall under the “self-serving” category. In case it’s completely out of track for the present scenario, it’s better to keep them for some later date.

● Provide value to your audience

In these uncertain times, you can act as a firm that offers guidance to its followers by posting the necessary information while ensuring the proper do’s and don’ts to keep them safe. You can also work on certain educational or entertaining posts to help keep your audience engaged.

Blue and red neon sign showing the “Like” count of a social media post; image by Prateek Katyal, via
Blue and red neon sign showing the “Like” count of a social media post; image by Prateek Katyal, via

● Cite only credible sources

According to a report, about 52% of Americans rely on Facebook to get their news. This clearly shows why you should only rely on credible sources while stating any facts or critical information. Any kind of misinformation not only harms your audience but also damages your law firm’s reputation. As a law firm, it is your responsibility to go by the facts rather than blindly stating opinions. Practice fact-checking protocols and publish only reliable information.

● Support now to sell later

Let’s face it, you are spending your time and resources on social media posts because you care for your business. While you may not see immediate benefits in terms of revenue from the practices above, it will surely help you win the trust of your prospective clients while you are going beyond your usual business and focusing on revealing your positive side.

It’s time you ensure an effective social media communication

Coronavirus is impacting everyone out there. Now is the right time to focus on building your brand recognition as a firm that can easily be trusted. You can employ social media channels to enhance your name recognition and add more value to your brand. Take your time to adjust your ongoing law firm marketing strategy into something more personal and client focused, and you will maintain your client and contact relationships while staying top of mind with each person following you and the firm’s social media activities.

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