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What You Need to Know About the Best CBD Oil Treatment for Your Dog

— July 15, 2020

Look for a manufacturer willing to provide proof of quality assurance testing and make sure to follow the dosage instructions provided on the packaging.

With CBD rising steadily in popularity, it should come as no surprise that pet owners are starting to consider how it might benefit their animals. This safe, effective, natural substance has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, to calm anxiety, to stimulate appetite, and more, and there’s no reason pet owners shouldn’t use specialty CBD products to treat their dogs. Don’t just jump in blindly, though. Read on to find out what dog owners need to know before buying products or administering the first dose.

Is It Safe?

Although there have been few official scientific studies completed to date to evaluate the use of CBD for dogs, specifically, there are plenty of animal studies that show how safe it is for other small mammals. It’s important to choose products that have been specifically formulated for use in pets and don’t contain any potentially dangerous additives. Dog owners can find the safe and effective CBD products they need by going to Veritas Farms.

Does it Work?

CBD may be helpful in managing a variety of common conditions that affect dogs, including pain, tenderness, anxiety, and even seizures. Pet owners should have their dogs examined by a veterinarian to have their conditions diagnosed before using any over-the-counter treatments, including CBD. Once they know what’s wrong, dog owners can find the products that will be most effective. Just like people, dogs can ingest CBD in a variety of ways, so it’s important to choose the one that will encourage maximum bioavailability and minimal side effects.

Why is it Effective?

Just like people, dogs and other mammals have endocannabinoid systems that regulate homeostasis and connect the mind and body. CBD and the other natural phytochemicals found in full-spectrum extracts interact with the endocannabinoid system to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, treat anxiety, and improve overall wellness. Some products, such as chews and pet tinctures, are designed for oral ingestion, while others are applied topically.

Are There Side Effects?

Woman taking few drops of a water-soluble CBD from Eir Health; image by Michal Wozniak, via
Woman taking few drops of a water-soluble CBD from Eir Health; image by Michal Wozniak, via

Most dogs won’t experience any negative side effects from taking CBD in recommended doses. When administered in high doses, CBD can cause some minor problems like sleepiness, stomach upset, dry mouth, and lowered blood pressure, so be careful to follow dosing instructions. There are no known cases of lethal toxicity, so don’t fall prey to fear-mongering. High-quality CBD products offer a safe alternative to potentially dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. This is just as true for dogs as it is for people.

How Should Dog Owners Choose Products?

Only buy products that are created specifically for dogs. This will help to avoid problems with dose titration and will ensure that the chews, oils, or topical treatments will be easy to administer. When choosing a supplier, look for one that uses only sustainably grown, all-natural, non-GMO hemp and tests its products to ensure purity. Pet owners wouldn’t want to use CBD oil or other products without knowing what other ingredients they contain, so they shouldn’t administer them to their pets, either.

The Bottom Line

The best CBD products for dogs are formulated specifically with pets’ needs in mind. Look for a manufacturer willing to provide proof of quality assurance testing and make sure to follow the dosage instructions provided on the packaging. This should help pet owners avoid issues with side effects.

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