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Essure Renegades

— December 14, 2015

One of the Merriam-Webster online dictionary’s definitions of “renegade” is: “Someone or something that causes trouble and cannot be controlled.” Welcome to the world of Essure renegades, those who are tired of suffering and lies. Those who tell the truth and will not be silenced. The new thorns in the side of a business that puts profits over patients.



One of the Merriam-Webster online dictionary’s definitions of “renegade” is: “Someone or something that causes trouble and cannot be controlled.” Welcome to the world of Essure renegades, those who are tired of suffering and lies. Those who tell the truth and will not be silenced. The new thorns in the side of a business that puts profits over patients.

Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 4.14.26 PMYou need to know about this issue. Bayer stands behind its “permanent” birth control product, Essure, that is causing women immense pain, autoimmune disorders, hair & tooth loss, extensive rashes, bloating, miscarriages (Essure is only about 90% effective) and even death. Bayer says the risks aren’t high enough to outweigh the benefits.

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The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the agency responsible for protecting American citizens from harmful medical devices, has continually turned a blind eye to the suffering of over 24,000 women. The agency finally agreed to hear some of them speak in September of this year. After this hearing… nothing. Until recently, as the FDA said it will issue “new guidance” regarding Essure by the end of February 2016. Meanwhile, over 40 women per week are having Essure-related hysterectomies.

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The pre-market approval the FDA gave Essure protects Bayer from legal action over the damages caused by this product. Bayer keeps making money at the expense of women’s lives. The harm Essure causes has cost women their health, their careers and quality time with their families.Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 4.13.46 PM

These women are working hard for change. A massive grassroots movement was created on Facebook, Essure Problems. Erin Brockovich is lending her voice to the cause, too. Men are getting involved, as they see the impact Essure has on their loved ones. They’ve created the Mad Men of Essure Facebook group and yes, they are mad. Rightfully so, too! Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) has even introduced legislation, the E-Free Act, which will strip Bayer of the pre-emption status shielding it from lawsuits and pull Essure from the market.

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Now, it’s your turn. I write about this awful product and the horrific damage it’s caused several times per week and will continue to do so until it’s history. I have been humbled, even brought to tears, by reader comments thanking me for my voice. The ones that really get me are those from women who learned, from my work, that Essure is the cause of their suffering and those from women who didn’t know removal was possible or how to get the coils removed.

That’s the power of our voices, my friends. Just think… If you see a piece on the dangers of Essure and mention it to a friend or loved one, you might be saving them years of suffering if they were contemplating Essure implantation. Doctors and Bayer aren’t telling women about these risks. You might even know someone who has Essure and has been suffering, without knowing why. Your voice could save them.

Your voice matters. No matter how small you might feel or if you think that one voice doesn’t count. Trust me, you’re not small and every voice carries the power to change the world. Raise your voice, even if it shakes, and spread the word. We’re talking about saving lives here, friends!

“Go forth and have no fear!”

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