At the time of publication, von Ehlinger’s rape trial is underway. The intern, Jane Doe, bolted from the courtroom during her testimony, after which the prosecution rested its case.
Republican Idaho state Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger resigned last year after the state’s House Ethics Committee had unanimously recommended he be censured and stripped of the powers of his office without pay. Von Ehlinger was accused of pursuing inappropriate relationships with women who worked in the state Capitol, including sexual contact with a 19-year-old intern in March of 2021. That intern filed a police report accusing von Ehlinger of rape when he brought her to his apartment under false circumstances, and that subsequently lead to his arrest in the latter months of 2021. Victims of sexual harassment in the workplace should contact Idaho sexual harassment lawyers for assistance. Editor’s note: At the time of publication, von Ehlinger’s rape trial is underway. The intern, Jane Doe, bolted from the courtroom during her testimony, after which the prosecution rested its case.
Address and report sexual misconduct
According to an EEOC task force report, an estimated three out of four employees who have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work do not even report it to their supervisor, or human resources department. Talk to experienced attorneys when there are concerns that the conduct by a person who may be controlling work activities, including promotion and upward mobility outweighs inaction to a reported claim, concerns of transferred blame to employee, and social/ professional stigmatization and retaliation.
Workplace policy
The victim should directly inform the harasser that their conduct is unwelcome and insist that it stops if they are not afraid. Employer policies should be referenced and a victim should use any employer complaint mechanism, or grievance system available. The more information contained in the complaint including proof of the allegations where possible will give strength to claims taken to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). When investigating allegations of sexual harassment, EEOC looks at the circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual advances, and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. A positive settlement award may be the result of a strong case presented by Boise sexual harassment lawyers.
Employer awareness
Employers are encouraged to take steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. They should clearly communicate to employees that sexual harassment will not be tolerated. They can do so by providing sexual harassment training to their employees and by establishing an effective complaint, or grievance process and taking immediate and appropriate action when an employee complains. Sexual harassment lawyers can assist human resource departments as they develop and maintain standard operating work policies to support methods that deter sexual harassment in the workplace.

Leadership and workplace culture may have positive impact on the reduction of sexual harassment in the workplace through harassment prevention efforts that include standard operating policies with outlined requirements of reporting, maintaining confidentiality and professionalism. Committing to a respectful, diverse, and inclusive employee cohort and ensuring that anti-harassment efforts are given priority in the workplace. Management training must be geared toward reduction of workplace harassment versus the consequences of legal action and liability concerns and costs to employers.
Employee protection
Supervisors and other responsible department personnel who observe, are informed of, or reasonably suspect sexual harassment claims might be filed, should immediately report such incidents and initiate prompt investigation. Supervisors should take effective measures to ensure no further apparent, or alleged harassment of the victim occurs, pending completion of an EEOC investigation, or other legal action. Employers should attempt to maintain privacy of the alleged victim and harasser while a complaint is being investigated. Necessary steps should also be taken to ensure that the employee victim is protected from retaliation for reporting sexual harassment in compliance with federal laws.
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