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Don’t Make These Common Mistakes After an LA Truck Accident

— April 7, 2022

One of the most common mistakes for truck accident victims is not getting medical treatment.

It’s often difficult to think clearly after being involved in a truck accident. After all, you might have suffered a head injury, or perhaps you’re heavily medicated with drugs to deal with serious pain. Maybe you only regained consciousness a short while ago, and you’re still trying to make sense of what just happened. With all that being said, you do need to move forward and consider your legal options. Here are some common mistakes you should avoid during this process.

But before we get into that, it’s important to stress the need to get in touch with Los Angeles truck accident attorneys as soon as possible. This is perhaps the best way to avoid making common mistakes. When your hand is being guided by a qualified attorney, you can ensure you’re putting your best foot forward and painting yourself in the best possible light. These lawyers can help you receive compensation for your injuries in the most efficient manner possible. 

Not Getting Medical Attention

One of the most common mistakes for truck accident victims is not getting medical treatment. Whatever you do, don’t refuse treatment when first responders arrive at the scene. Even if you feel completely fine, your adrenaline could numb the pain, and you may be carrying injuries that you’re not even aware of. This is why it’s always a good idea to play it safe and get the treatment you need. In addition, you will be unable to prove that your injuries are legitimate unless you can show your medical records.

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

Another common mistake made by victims is accepting the very first settlement offer that is put on the table by insurance adjusters. Make no mistake – insurance adjusters will try to offer you the lowest possible amount they think they can get away with. You can almost always push back and ask for a higher amount after the first offer. This is why it’s so important to work with a qualified attorney with solid negotiation skills. 

Letting the Statute of Limitations Expire

Another common mistake is letting the statute of limitations expire. In California, the statute of limitations for most personal injury lawsuits is two years. This means that you have two years to file an injury claim after a truck accident. If you fail to do this, you will lose the right to receive a settlement. Although two years might seem like a lot of time, you might be surprised at how quickly time flies. 

Where Can I Find a Truck Accident Attorney?

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you might be wondering: “Where can I find truck accident attorneys near me?” The answer is quite simple: There are many truck accident attorneys who are ready and waiting to assist you. These legal professionals can guide you towards a fair, adequate settlement for your injuries. Book your consultation as soon as possible to avoid any issues with the statute of limitations. 



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