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DUI Charges: What Are the Consequences?

— October 19, 2020

A DUI arrest could be a devastating event, whose repercussions could have a long-lasting effect. However, this could be avoided by staying in touch with your alcohol level whenever you are driving.

Just as with any other criminal offense, you wouldn’t escape the penalties if you are eventually declared guilty for DUI. Driving Under Influence (DUI) is the name given to the offense of driving or operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or any other drug- so that the vehicle becomes unsafe when in operation.

Here, we’d be taking a look into the consequences of being charged with the crime- both short-term and long-term alike.

Consequences of DUI conviction

A DUI conviction begins with an arrest- obviously. However, in the long-run, there are both short and long-term consequences.

Here are some examples of short-term consequences:

Financial burdens and Jail terms

To get started with, the entire process of getting a DUI is very expensive. Even before the conviction begins, one should be ready to begin shelling out money. Offenders would have to pay a bond to be released, one to get their car back and settle the towing charges. Then, the chosen attorney might request for a down payment- which has to be settled before the case begins.

Upon conviction, you should expect more fines. If you are eventually convicted of the offense, you would be fined by the court. Many a time, these fines eat up the bonds and additional cash needs to be pumped in so as to completely settle the fine.

Also, there’s the possibility of a jail term. However, most times, repeat offenders or people who have destroyed property or injured someone, are the ones who may be forced to serve a jail term.

Restrictions on your driving privileges 

It’s safe to assume that once you are convicted of any DUI-type offense, restrictions on your driving privileges should be expected. For instance, your permanent license could be replaced with a temporary one during the trial period, and then you could have a suspended license if you are proven guilty.

Alcohol Education Program 

Quite a number of jurisdictions are advocating that first-time offenders should be required to attend a formal alcohol education program. Of course, expect to pay for the program all along- as well as have your attendance under the microscope.

DUI convictions have major outcomes that could linger for as long as years. While you may be conversant with the short-term consequences of a DUI conviction such as fines and fees, license suspension, and required participation in drunk driving education classes, there are other consequences which could take you years to get over- or maybe months with Andy Green.

Employment issues

Man on a job interview; image courtesy of Amtec Staffing, via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, no changes.
Man on a job interview; image courtesy of Amtec Staffing, via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, no changes.

Your present job may be affected due to the current realities. If you are a job seeker, you would be at a disadvantage to other applicants who do not have a DUI conviction. And the reason isn’t far-fetched – most employers are not comfortable with hiring an individual who has a DUI conviction history.

Auto Insurance rates

Following your conviction, your automobile insurance rates would likely increase. This is because drivers who have had a DUI conviction are considered as “high-risk” drivers, thus an increased need for protection and higher fees.

Scholarship programs

Again, most schools have a problem accepting students who have had a DUI conviction. And most of the time, scholarships- likewise- may be revoked or denied.


A DUI arrest could be a devastating event, whose repercussions could have a long-lasting effect. However, this could be avoided by staying in touch with your alcohol level whenever you are driving. If you get into a DUI case, you would be needing a good attorney to help you get you through the storms and relieve you from the claws of the law. 

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