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Everything You Need to Know About Filing a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit in Mesa

— November 8, 2022

Many employees think long and hard before they finally follow through with a sexual harassment lawsuit.

If you’ve been sexually harassed at your workplace, you should know that you have the right to sue your employer. Many other victims have opted for this route, and it can help you pursue justice in an effective manner. A lawsuit can provide many things, including a sense of closure and a considerable financial settlement. But what exactly do you need to know about filing a sexual harassment lawsuit in Mesa?

You’ll Need a Lawyer

First thing’s first: you’ll need a lawyer. Search for an attorney in Arizona who specifically specializes in sexual harassment if possible, as these legal professionals are the most qualified to help you. With assistance from an attorney, it becomes easier to gather evidence, negotiate, and navigate the various legal procedures. 

There Are Different Types of Harassment

It’s also important to identify the type of sexual harassment you’ve experienced. The EEOC has identified two different types of sexual harassment:

  • Quid Pro Quo: Roughly translated as “a favor for a favor,” this Latin phrase refers to sexual harassment between employees of unequal status. The employee of higher status may imply or explicitly state that they will provide benefits in exchange for sexual favors. It’s worth pointing out that this is considered harassment even if the sex acts are consensual. 
  • Hostile Work Environment: This type of sexual harassment refers to conduct that prevents employees from enjoying a normal, safe, and respectful work experience. The harassment may include severe acts like unwanted physical touching, or it may be as simple as inappropriate jokes or snide remarks. Many employees quit or begin working less effectively because of hostile work environments. 

The Statute of Limitations is Important

Many employees think long and hard before they finally follow through with a sexual harassment lawsuit. While this is understandable, it’s important not to think too long about whether you want to move forward, as the statute of limitations may prevent you from taking legal action. In Arizona, the statute of limitations is just 300 days for sexual harassment lawsuits.

Clock face; image by Age Barros, via
Clock face; image by Age Barros, via

This means that if you experience harassment and you allow 300 days to pass by without acting, you will no longer have the opportunity to file a lawsuit. It’s worth mentioning that this statute of limitations is much shorter than that of a personal injury lawsuit, which is usually about three years. 

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you’ve been searching Arizona for a qualified attorney who has experience with sexual harassment lawsuits, there are many options available to you. Reach out to one of these legal professionals, and you can immediately begin the process of filing a sexual harassment lawsuit. Although this process can seem quite daunting and complex to those who have no legal experience, it becomes much easier to handle with the assistance of an attorney. Book your consultation today. 

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