Before the case actually begins, the plaintiff needs to file a special document called a notice of intent to let each healthcare provider who will be named as a defendant know about the upcoming lawsuit.
Dearborn, MI – A birth injury is a very serious matter for parents. During labor and delivery, it is possible that the baby can suffer from various life changing injuries or conditions due to mistakes made by the doctor or other healthcare workers who were involved in the procedure. After most injuries of this nature, the child will require additional treatment and care to attempt to recover and live a normal life. It is always helpful for parents to get legal advice and see if the healthcare provider who was responsible for the injuries can be made to pay for them through a civil lawsuit. Attorneys near me should always be consulted to get specific information about how to file a successful lawsuit and take other actions to receive compensation.
Components of a birth injury lawsuit
While birth injury cases have many similarities to standard personal injury cases or other types of medical malpractice actions, there are some specifics that should be reviewed. Before the case actually begins, the plaintiff needs to file a special document called a notice of intent to let each healthcare provider who will be named as a defendant know about the upcoming lawsuit. This filing needs to contain a few parts, such as the facts surrounding the incident, the relevant standard of care, and how the doctor or others breached this standard of care. It is best if this is prepared with the assistance of a Michigan birth injury lawyer. After this is filed and served to the defendant, they are given a chance to respond within approximately five months. Then, there is another waiting period of approximately six months where the parties are encouraged to settle the claim before the lawsuit can formally begin.

The process can begin to file the lawsuit and exchange information through the discovery process after this notice procedure concludes. An important item contained in the complaint that starts the case is the statement of damages. These are the amounts that the Michigan birth injury lawyer will ask for from the defendant. This generally includes additional medical costs, any future expenses related to the incident, and pain and suffering damages.
Birth injury attorneys are available
Meyers Law PLLC is a firm that works with clients who have issues with birth injuries throughout the state of Michigan. Their attorneys are able to meet with anyone who has recently dealt with any kind of medical malpractice issues. is a site that helps people find the right lawyer in their state. People who need assistance with the process to locate a legal professional can call 800-672-3103.
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