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How Do You Know When It’s Time To Get a Divorce?

— June 20, 2023

As per the National Institute of Health statistics, infidelity is the second leading cause of divorce, following a lack of commitment.

Contemplating the end of a marriage can be exceptionally stressful. After all, this decision affects not only you and your soon-to-be ex-partner but also family members and children.

While the ‘right time’ is a personal assessment, many couples opt for divorce when they encounter unresolvable differences. This often happens after all efforts to salvage the marriage fail and reaching a mutual agreement becomes impossible.

Keeping that in mind, this article guides you through the factors indicating when it’s time to get a divorce. The information shared here should complement, not replace, the advice of family law attorneys or other professionals.  

Meanwhile, here are signs that it’s time to consider getting a divorce.

Signs It May Be Time To Get A Divorce 

As per the National Institute of Health, between 40% to 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce. 

Significant factors contributing to this include infidelity, domestic violence, drug use, and a lack of commitment to the relationship. If you experience any of the factors mentioned above, you may feel it’s time to get a divorce too. 

At this juncture, consulting with professionals such as Raleigh divorce lawyers and others can give you a better understanding of the process. 

To that end, here are some common factors that indicate it may be time to seek a divorce:

  1. When You Experience Domestic Abuse 

An unsafe home environment is one of the most serious signs indicating a need for a divorce.

It can be tough and distressing when you endure physical, emotional, or sexual abuse from your partner. These violent acts may cause you to feel physically and emotionally degraded and intimidated.

The escalation of conflicts to this level may signal that it’s time to get a divorce. This is particularly true if the abusive partner refuses to recognize their behavior and seek professional help.  

If you decide to terminate the marriage on domestic violence grounds, consider getting the support of divorce attorneys. Here’s a video explaining how they can support you through the process:

Dealing With Spousal Drug And Substance Addiction 

When your partner struggles with drug addiction, it can bring about a whirlwind of issues in your marriage, causing pain and uncertainty. These issues commonly manifest as financial strain, neglect of household duties, and emotional turmoil.

If your partner disregards the problem and refrains from seeking help, it might be time to consider ending the marriage.

  1. When Your Marriage Lacks Sexual Intimacy 

While sexual intimacy may fluctuate in any long-term relationship, its prolonged absence may signify deeper issues. It could indicate, among others, a lack of communication, emotional disconnect, or even infidelity.

If attempts to revive the intimacy prove unsuccessful, or your partner consistently disregards or neglects your sexual needs, you may consider a divorce.

  1. Observing A Lack Of Commitment

A consistent failure by your partner to contribute to the relationship’s growth might indicate that they no longer value the marriage.  

This lack of effort can manifest in refusing to communicate, neglecting shared responsibilities, or dismissing your feelings and needs. 

  1. Experiencing Infidelity Cases

    Man standing by bed near window; image by Marcos Paulo Prado, via
    Man standing by bed near window; image by Marcos Paulo Prado, via

Discovering your partner’s infidelity can shatter your trust, leaving you feeling betrayed and heartbroken. As per the National Institute of Health statistics, infidelity is the second leading cause of divorce, following a lack of commitment.

Some couples can overcome an infidelity instance with professional help, but repeated cheating might indicate a deep-rooted issue. 

If the unfaithful partner displays no remorse or intent to change, it might signal that it’s time to contemplate divorce.

  1. When You Constantly Conflict On Key Principles 

It’s quite common for you to have disputes in your relationship. Yet, parting ways may be the only option when disagreements become frequent and revolve around entrenched differences.

For example, you and your partner frequently find yourselves at odds over fundamental matters, including financial management, religious beliefs, etc. Over time, these conflicts may lead to an unhealthy relationship characterized by bitterness and resentment. 

If you cannot find a way forward, then it could be time to get a divorce. 


Not all the circumstances discussed here necessarily lead to divorce. You must use your judgment and personal experiences to make the decision. Additionally, consulting with marriage and family law professionals can help you determine when it’s time to get a divorce. 

Skilled therapists or counselors can provide tools to walk through many of the issues raised. In some cases, they may even help mend the relationship. If reconciliation is impossible, they can aid in facilitating a more amicable separation.

If you decide to part ways, find a competent attorney to guide you through the process. They can help you prepare for life after divorce, including financial planning and changes in living arrangements.

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