The theory of deterrence states that serious criminal penalties can make people think twice and reconsider any illegal actions.
Austin, TX – All data related to motor vehicle accidents and drunk driving shows that people who have used alcohol or drugs before operating their car more are more likely to cause injuries or fatalities. Texas has laws against driving while intoxicated that aim to prevent these kinds of outcomes. This is mostly done through deterrence with harsh penalties for drivers who are caught and arrested. However, some drivers still cause collisions while illegally driving after using drugs and alcohol. In these situations, attorneys near me are available to help with the process of suing someone who has caused a drunk driving accident.
Penalties for DWI in Texas
The theory of deterrence states that serious criminal penalties can make people think twice and reconsider any illegal actions. Drunk driving laws can be used to help raise awareness about the serious penalties through both civil and criminal courts. There is also an implied consent law, which states that anyone who is issued a driver’s license in the state has agreed to a chemical test for the presence of drugs or alcohol after a traffic stop. A refusal to take the test results in similar penalties to a conviction under the DWI statute.

The state’s DWI statute subjects drivers who are caught to potential fines of up to thousands of dollars, a driver’s license suspension that can last months, years, or forever, as well as jail time. All of these penalties may be increased based on the person’s prior convictions and drunk driving offenses in the past, if they caused an accident that resulted in injuries or death, or if they had a high blood alcohol content when they took a chemical test.
When a driver needs to be sued for causing harm
Austin DWI accident lawyers are available to victims of drunk drivers who were not apprehended before they caused a crash. Aside from criminal penalties, the civil court system allows victims to sue a driver for causing losses such as property damage and injuries that require costly medical treatment. The compensation available to a victim can vary based on the specifics of the accident in question, but those who are seriously hurt or disabled after the collision can expect to try to argue for larger amounts of compensation. Austin accident lawyers have extensive experience with the process to argue for compensation through a settlement agreement, or go to trial in cases where this is necessary.
Getting in touch with the right lawyer is a site that lists accident lawyers in Texas and other states. People who need to speak with a local, licensed legal professional can use the listings to find an attorney quickly. It is also possible to call them for assistance at 800-672-3103
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