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How Mobile Apps are Changing Our Lives

— January 11, 2021

We live in an age of modern technological abundance, and there is no denying how much our lives have changed by the same. The one gadget that always remains in our hands is our mobile phone. Everything from the first alarm to shopping, banking, or entertainment rests in our phones in mobile apps.

With such immense indulgence, it becomes necessary to think about how mobile applications affect our lives. That is why we are here to look at some of the most significant ways mobile apps have altered the way we go about things, for better or for worse.

What exactly have mobile apps done? 

Such frequent usage of mobile apps means they have something beneficial to offer. So, the question is: What exactly have mobile apps done to become so important to us? The basic answer to this is that they have streamlined our everyday tasks, making our lives easier. Despite being a recent industry that isn’t even a decade old, play stores have millions of apps. These apps take care of the smallest of needs we might have, blessing us with all we need at our fingertips. This scenario makes it furthermore essential to understand the importance of mobile apps in daily life.

Mobile apps have changed how we shop, eat, study, play, watch, exchange money, learn new skills, and pretty much everything else. This scenario is why we do not realize our involvement with these apps on an everyday basis. However, when we stand at a critical distance and begin to think, we need to think about how mobile changed our lives.

Top areas that have seen a revolutionary change

1. Social apps are the new trend

Smartphone with “Social” on the screen & various social media icons, sitting on computer keyboard; image by Geralt, via
Smartphone with “Social” on the screen & various social media icons, sitting on computer keyboard; image by Geralt, via

If there’s one thing we can unanimously agree on, it is the massive change social media apps have brought around. With apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Skype, LinkedIn, and many more, social interactions worldwide have changed drastically. Even work interactions are a lot easier even when they come from across the globe. Not only work, but everyday personal communications have transformed entirely. These apps have changed the way we live, and there is no doubt about the same. 

2. Entertainment apps cannot be avoided 

Entertainment apps are another reason our phones don’t get out of our hands. Unlike the advent of television or radio entertainment, mobile entertainment apps brought with them the most significant perk of all – mobility. With apps such as YouTube, Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime, and several other OTT platforms, we can pretty much carry our entertainment anywhere and everywhere.

Also, the most amazing thing to notice is that there is no shortage of creative content. We can pretty much watch things all day long and still have more to binge on. We all share an appeal to one of humankind’s primal interests in entertaining stories and narratives, and so there is no denying how much we love having entertainment on the go! 

3. Health, banking, and other necessities are a must

Mobile phone apps have been more accommodating than anything else, and it seems as though all our needs have been carefully studied and covered. Several necessities such as healthcare, banking, or teaching have also received the right amount of support through mobile apps.

Transactions are a lot easier than they were a decade back. Digital cash has come to replace paper currencies significantly, and transferring payments quickly from any part of the world is no longer a hassle, and to top it all, it barely takes a few minutes.

Several apps in the healthcare and education domains are putting their best foot forward to make sure everyone can receive the best of all worlds in this age of digital transformation. In terms of convenience, the rise of mobile apps has been the best thing for us. However, we must ponder the only reason to understand the ill-effects such serious indulgence with technology might have.

4. Gaming apps for die-hard gamers

Another industry that has boomed with the introduction of smartphones is the gaming industry. There are millions of gaming options available on your mobile phone’s play store. These games go all the way from being essential to complexities by AI-driven advancements.

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) have come to change the world of gaming entirely over the last decade. Smartphones have now become minimal gaming hubs, and their portability is desirable and advantageous like never before. This scenario is how apps are changing the world of gaming. Admit it or not, we’ve all been addicted to one game or the other at some point. 

5. Work apps are increasing our efficiency

Useful work apps have not failed to line the horizon, and we now see remote working turn into an excellent possibility. Job hunting and freelancing are now major perks that the Internet can offer. Whether we believe it or not, the complete job-seeking and working scenario have altered drastically. The primary reason companies could survive amidst the recent pandemic was because of the digital working culture.

Working on presentations, articles, and pitches is now possible even on your mobile phone apps. Other than that, several other work-related communication platforms have changed the entire landscape. You can now support yourself with a good enough income while sitting and working in the comfort of your home. Mustn’t that have been the dream a decade back?

Key Takeaways

There are many ways mobile apps have changed the way we live. Also, there is no certainty about how this indulgence will increase or decrease in the coming years. However, it is not difficult to say that humankind will continue developing mobile apps and depend on them for more needs. 

Consumer needs will open doors to new app ideas, and we might soon witness more revolutionary apps ready to change the world as we see it now. If there’s one thing we can vouch for, it is the advent of faster, streamlined, advanced, and customized technology to take over our lives in the coming years. So, we must make room for careful indulgence and understand the necessary usages of mobile apps. 

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