Many factors play a role. Not only the extent of your injuries and the effects they are having on your daily life, but also the negotiating skills of your lawyer.
After a car accident, many things in your life are not the way they were before. The accident seems to have turned your entire world upside down. Actions and activities you were able to engage in before the accident now seem harder than you ever could have expected. In your mind, you are convinced there is something you can do to turn things back around: get an accident attorney to work with you and help you recover the expenses you have incurred because of the car accident. The question is, with so many expenses you have to deal with these days, how can you afford legal help?
Get a Car Accident Loan
There’s no need for you to lose sleep over financial matters at this point. By getting a car accident loan you can receive an amount that, should you not receive a legal settlement, you are not responsible for repaying. Having this money will allow you to concentrate on preparing the best legal case with your lawyer and file a claim to recover the maximum amount in your car accident settlement.
What items might be included in your settlement?
For your lawyer to come up with the appropriate amount when filing your claim, you must be meticulous in keeping records of all your expenses. Have you seen a doctor and had to pay out of pocket? Keep your receipt. What else? Here is a list to get you started:
Present and Future Medical Bills
Keep tabs of everything you have spent to ensure your recovery. Get a doctor to tell you how much you can expect to spend in the future. Write down the final amount.
Current and Future Loss of Earnings
You know how much you have been unable to earn by being unable to go back to work. A calculation may also be made of earnings you will lose in the future for the same reason. Your age, type of occupation, and skillset will play a role. Make an estimation and write the amount.
Property Damage

Did your car get totaled? If not, how much have you spent repairing it? Write down that amount.
Pain and Suffering
This amount is much harder to determine. Your lawyer will help you come up with it.
These and other amounts will make up the amount you will be claiming.
How Much Can You Expect to Recover?
Many factors play a role. Not only the extent of your injuries and the effects they are having on your daily life, but also the negotiating skills of your lawyer. Insurance companies may also consider where the accident took place, who the parties were, and other items. However, statistics show that the average car accident settlement is approximately $21,000, although the amount could be higher if your injuries and extremely severe or permanent. And, if the other driver is found to have been driving under the influence, the amount might go up even more.
Don’t risk losing the amount you are entitled to receive by rushing your case due to immediate economic worries. Pinnacle Legal Funding provides pre-settlement loans that can give you a much-needed breathing room at the time when you need it most. Reach out to them today and let your injury attorney do the best possible job for you.
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