As meditation helps the body unwind from a hectic day, it develops a restful and focused mind. Simple exercises, such as deep breathing, can go a long way to develop mindfulness.
Child-specific media is recently throwing light on the development of mindfulness in kids. Mindfulness includes focusing your attention on a single thing and wholly becoming present in that particular thing. Clearing the mind of distractions is essential for a kid to focus on crucial things. Through the practice of mindfulness, the kids learn to utilize their time and contemplate their feelings, thoughts, and senses in a better way.
Jonah Engler Talks about Mindfulness and Its Positive Impact on Kids
Mindfulness aids in situational awareness. It affects the mentality of kids directly and indirectly. There emerge a lot of positive effects of teaching your kids about mindfulness at an early age. Mindfulness aids in increased focus and concentration in kids. Such is crucial at a young age and the school life of children. This practice also teaches to reduce anxiety and to manage stressful situations by staying calm. In addition to that, the training also improves patience in a child. Patience is critical in life, and it helps in minimizing any hassled decisions and actions. Eventually, it helps the kids to live a healthier and happy life.
Mindfulness Exercises for Children

Incorporating fun in mindfulness activities is vital to engage the children in practice. The kids will not understand the consequences at such a tender age and cannot picture the mindful living benefits. Jonah Engler suggests that the exercises need not include high-end exercises and tasks but part of daily activities. Yoga and sensory exercises also help a lot to develop mindfulness in children.
- Understanding emotions is overwhelming for kids. As a guardian or a parent, you should make them understand each feeling, positive and negative. It is essential to teach children to overcome negative emotions amicably. For instance, you can give an example of the solutions when the kid feels angry against a classroom peer. Concerning the positive emotions, a sense of gratitude, happiness, and love are some of the feelings that need constant affirmation and practice.
- One of the common exercises that you can follow to practice descriptiveness is cloud gazing. Try getting in their mind and ask them if they can see shapes and evaluate their visual sense. A child mostly has a creative mind that needs constant nurturing. Clouds, skies, and objects they see in the atmosphere allow the children to slow down and focus on one particular thing: resting their bodies and strengthening their minds.
Practicing meditation in the family is also one way to teach the necessary values to your kids. As meditation helps the body unwind from a hectic day, it develops a restful and focused mind. Simple exercises, such as deep breathing, can go a long way to develop mindfulness. In addition to that, focusing on one thing with controlled breathing is also an exercise you can practice. Visualization is one of the great techniques to teach young kids. Guided relaxation is a great tool to de-stress from the day’s clutter and focus and looking forward to the positive things.
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