Unless you know what these and some other terms mean regarding the context, you might remain confused when judging the legality of marijuana.
A single indicator like two-thirds of Americans favor legalizing marijuana is enough to prove the growing popularity of the age-old herb. Another sign of the popularity of cannabis is the states’ accelerated pace in legalizing cannabis as more and more states open its gates to marijuana for recreational and medical purposes. BC’s West Coast Botanics is a Canadian company that is reaping the benefits of legal marijuana in that country.
Although 33 American states have given legal approval for medical marijuana, another 11 states allow some recreational use. Led by Colorado, the first state to move towards legalizing marijuana in January 2014, New England is making the right moves. Now, the red states are contemplating bringing marijuana within the legal ambit.
Get familiar with the terms used by the industry
To understand the legal ramifications in the states where marijuana is legal, you must be familiar with some jargon that should help to judge things from the right perspective and understand the legal consequences of using cannabis products that can vary between the states. You must have heard a lot about the recreational and medicinal uses of marijuana that determine its legality. Unless you know what these and some other terms mean regarding the context, you might remain confused when judging the legality of marijuana.
Recreational marijuana
Recreational use of marijuana has attracted many controversies and has been at the center of any debate about legalizing marijuana. But 11 states and DC in the US have, in varying degrees, admitted the legality of possessing and consuming marijuana. However, it does not entitle users to set their recreational standards with marijuana that allows its uncontrolled use. Adults who are 21 years or older can keep a modest amount of weed at home or carry it with them, occasionally smoke in public, and grow a few plants at home.
Medicinal marijuana

Legalizing medicinal marijuana by 33 states has given a fillip to the trend as some states among these even consider recreational marijuana legal. All the states have rolled out medicinal marijuana programs, but some only offer coverage for limited medical conditions. Some states that have not yet extended the legal net to cannabis products allow Limited use of CBD, a cannabis compound, also known as cannabidiol, free from any psychoactive strain but loaded with medicinal benefits. CBD is effective in treating epilepsy and easing symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, and cancer.
Illegal marijuana
This is self-explanatory and can include any cannabis and, in any form, regardless of its purpose of use.
Decriminalized marijuana
Some states classify recreational marijuana as a decriminalized product, which means that despite the product not having any legal acceptance, possession would not lead to jail time. Possessing as little as an ounce or a lesser amount of marijuana can at best attract a fine and citation but not any criminal charges.
So, now you know the legal impact of marijuana depending on the way classified by the state.
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