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Mental Health

Mental Health Tips for Recovering from an Injury

— November 20, 2023

You may want to look into personalized treatment options, such as therapy or counseling. These types of treatment can help you work through negative emotions, manage depression and anxiety, and prepare for life post-injury.

Recovering from an injury can be more painful and challenging than the injury itself. Although the physical effects of your injury can affect your mobility and pain levels, you may also find that you struggle with your mental health during this time. It is essential to be proactive about preserving your mental health as you heal, as neglecting your mental health could affect your recovery. If you’ve suffered an injury because of someone else’s negligence in a car collision or other type of accident, you may be entitled to compensation that can help you with the cost of medical care, mental health treatment, and other expenses. Discuss your next steps with the car accident lawyers at Colorado Accident Attorneys by calling us at 303-567-7981.

The connection between physical injuries and mental health issues is stronger than previously thought. There is a growing body of research exploring this link, including a 2021 study that looked at the development of psychological distress after an injury. The study found that one-fourth of participants experienced psychological distress three months after their injury. Certain groups were at greater risk of mental health issues after injury, including those with low income, those with preexisting mental health issues, and those with difficulty accessing healthcare.

Accept the Journey Ahead of You

Sometimes, mental health struggles are the result of a gap between your expectations and your reality. If you expect to bounce back immediately from your injuries, only to be caught in a never-ending cycle of doctor’s appointments and physical therapy sessions, you’re likely to become frustrated and even hopeless. Accept that you don’t know what comes next and that your journey to recovery may look different than expected. Allow yourself to feel your negative emotions, but try to avoid dwelling on them too much. Be compassionate with yourself when you experience setbacks or have a bad mental health day. You may not be able to change what has happened to you, but you can be gentle with yourself as you process it.

Lean on Your Support System

Your recovery should not happen in isolation. The stronger your support network is, the more prepared you’ll be for any serious mental health issues that flare up. In the wake of an injury, friends and family members often offer help. They may not know how to help, so make a list of your needs and current limitations. From there, you can reach out to those you feel closest to and find out if they are really willing to step up as you heal. Whether they do your laundry, pick up your groceries, or just listen while you vent, your support system will get you through this.

Participate in Your Medical Treatment

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A prompt physical recovery can definitely lead to better mental health outcomes. Don’t just attend your appointments because you have to—do so because you should be an active participant in your recovery. If you have to go to physical therapy, make a good-faith effort to do the exercises prescribed to you and push your limits. If you are supposed to follow up with other providers for diagnostic tests, do so in a timely manner. Tracking your progress over time may help you stay optimistic as you heal.

Consider Mental Health Treatment Options

It’s common to ignore your mental health treatment needs when your physical injuries are at the top of your priority list. But the longer you leave your mental health concerns untreated, the more time they have to flourish. Tackling your mental health needs alongside your physical medical needs can help you work toward recovery in both areas.

You may want to look into personalized treatment options, such as therapy or counseling. These types of treatment can help you work through negative emotions, manage depression and anxiety, and prepare for life post-injury. You may also want to see a psychiatrist if you feel like your mental health concerns are insurmountable. In some situations, medication can help you manage severe diagnoses and put you in a better mental space to benefit from therapy and counseling. Don’t forget to ask about support groups and other resources that may guide you through your challenges.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim With Colorado Accident Attorneys

Many people ignore their mental health needs because they simply cannot afford mental health treatment. If your injury was the result of another person’s negligence, you may be able to recover compensation that covers your accident-related expenses. Whether you were hurt in a motorcycle accident, animal attack, or other type of incident, sit down with our car accident lawyers and let’s talk about how we can help you—just reach out online or call us at 303-567-7981.

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