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Steps to a Successful Workplace Investigation

— November 22, 2017

Having the right information at the right time can be crucial for any business. Knowing what the markets will bring, which trends are coming and what your competitors are planning can be the difference between success and failure. Having the right information at the right time also can make a huge difference for the internal operations of your business, especially when it comes to conducting workplace investigations.

Having the right information at the right time can be crucial for any business. Knowing what the markets will bring, which trends are coming and what your competitors are planning can be the difference between success and failure. Having the right information at the right time also can make a huge difference for the internal operations of your business, especially when it comes to conducting workplace investigations. Although these don’t receive the same level of attention in many cases, conducting a successful workplace investigation can be just as important for the continued success of a business as investigating external factors. That’s why HR representatives and other workplace professionals can spend as much as 60 percent of their workdays conducting internal workplace investigations.

A successful workplace investigation can be essential for resolving internal disputes, dealing with employee disciplinary matters and avoiding litigation. Whether an investigation is triggered by an infraction of company rules, a sexual harassment complaint, suspected drug use or any other issue, it’s critical for the professional in charge of conducting the investigation to understand the proper procedures. Any situation necessitating an internal investigation in the workplace is fraught with potential peril for businesses, exposing them to the consequences of not only the inciting incidents but also potential legal damages. If an investigation is not conducted with transparency and professionalism, the potential damage can be even more devastating. No business wants to see something that could have been handled internally go to court, tying up time and resources that could be better used elsewhere. However, improper workplace investigation procedures have the potential to make that a possibility, if not a certainty.

This is why workplace professionals must tread carefully when conducting a workplace investigation. Regardless of the circumstances, all parties involved in the inciting incident deserve to be treated fairly with a commitment to due process, the same as during a criminal investigation. From the initial collecting of information through whatever appropriate action is taken, workplace professionals must adhere to the proper procedures of workplace investigations to ensure the best outcome for all involved and to protect the company from more serious consequences.

Because understanding the proper procedure for workplace investigations is critical, the following guide contains a step-by-step breakdown of the process. Click on the image to open the guide in a new tab.

Steps to a Successful Workplace Investigation from Arkus Investigators.
Steps to a Successful Workplace Investigation from Arkus Investigators.

Workplace professionals who follow these steps can make sure that they do everything possible to conduct an investigation with professionalism and fairness for all. Don’t let something simple spiral out of control into a situation that will cost your business time and money.

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