Consistency is key. Patterns and day-to-day routines make all the difference.
Property managers can end up with a huge amount of ground to cover, both physically and mentally. It can be incredibly difficult to manage your time effectively. However, if you do manage to come to grips with time management when working in commercial property management, then it can make all the difference. Our time management tips are designed to help with this.
Time management can seem like a bit of a buzzword. Some people stay away from time management literature, for example, as they are worried it is going to be a bit phoney. It’s true that nobody can put more hours into your day, but don’t feel like you can’t make a huge difference to your efficiency by doing better with the time you have. Once you actually break down the habits you have, and the way you are currently spending time during your working week, you’ll quickly see where you can make up ground.
Making To-do Lists
One of the best and most useful tips out there is also one of the simplest. Have you ever compared the time it takes you when you go shopping without a list and when you go with a list? Not only does it make things faster when you have a list, it ensures you don’t miss anything.
A to-do list can be as simple or as complex as you like. It could just be vague points of things you need to get done during the day, or you can even add it to time management software and keep things time-bound for more efficiency.
To-do lists are forgotten about too often because they take time to make, but the few minutes scribbling down all your tasks can help to focus your mind and you’re more likely to make up that time in the long run.
Be consistent
Consistency is key. Patterns and day-to-day routines make all the difference. Also, if you have a daily plan and routine it can lead to you avoiding wasted time. You can make sure that each hour is full of useful activities.
Structure Your Productivity
How often do you find that you are at work or sitting at your desk and supposedly working, but just not getting as much done. Structure your day in a way that you know you will be most productive. If you find you have a bit of a lull after lunch, plan for this, and give yourself simple tasks until you are feeling more alert.
Some of us naturally have rhythms, and times when we feel like we are more productive. A structure to the day can make all the difference. Otherwise, you might just be floating when you should be knuckling down and focusing.
Structure works with downtime, too. A well-timed coffee break can do an awful lot of good and turn you into a more productive person after you’ve refreshed and recharged.
Collaborate with Staff

This is an issue I see time and time again with property managers. They spend a lot of time on the go and forget to adequately collaborate with the staff they have at their disposal. Don’t waste the staff you have, as these can be key to getting everything that you need done. Have a clear management system for them, and as well as knowing what your day will entail, know what your staff’s day looks like, too.
Communication is absolutely vital here, so why not think about using a team management tool. These can be quick to update but very effective, and have a clear system for assigning tasks, making them more likely to get done in the time you have laid out.
Time Management Schemas
Rather than just floating through the days, why not use a time management schema? This can give you more control over setting tasks and assigning everything that needs to be done, but it also produces data! You can use this data to work out where things are going wrong and where things are going right within your team. Schemas can be used to establish the good and the bad, what’s working, and what isn’t. You can use this data to refine your property management time management.
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