CBD is an alternative for treating various health issues and so you need advice from your doctor before using it.
Hearing about CBD or cannabidiol is quite inevitable these days. We hear a lot about it, the legality, the benefits, and possible side effects. But, what is CBD really, and what is CBD good for? This article is all about giving short, understandable answers to these two questions.
CBD is the second most active substance of cannabis plants, just behind THC. Both CBD and THC are cannabinoids found in cannabis, and both have many therapeutic properties. CBD is not psychoactive or addictive, but instead, fights these two issues using its numerous beneficial properties. This cannabinoid has a wide range of therapeutic applications and several scientific studies prove that. In fact, the interest in researching more about CBD is increasing day after day to further prove that CBD is able to treat most health problems and disorders.
What are the differences between CBD and THC?
The best way to understand this part is to start by explaining the cannabis plant tree or groups. Cannabis may be of three groups or families and those are Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. We will then focus on Cannabis Sativa only, as this group has two main varieties which are hemp and marijuana. Both these strains contain CBD and THC, but with different percentages. Hemp or industrial hemp contains more CBD and a very low percentage of THC or no THC at all. On the other hand, marijuana contains less CBD and much more THC, which makes it illegal. In most of the United States of America, hemp or industrial hemp is legal if it contains less than 0.3% THC. Why? Because THC is the psychoactive substance of the cannabis plant, thus causing addiction.
Do not get us wrong, THC has many therapeutic properties, but as we know, this cannabinoid causes euphoria, relaxation, and addiction. Just to mention some positive actions of THC, this substance has antiemetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and many more health benefits. While THC does a lot of good but also some bad, CBD on the other hand, if used properly, is all good.

CBD stimulates healing and has the ability to treat anxiety, psychosis, and other disorders without causing side effects. More about CBD’s most important properties below.
What is CBD good for?
CBD is proving very effective for a wide range of conditions and pathologies. It is able to fight muscle spasms, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, and much more. The list of health issues CBD improves is very long, but we will simply focus on the properties that make that happen.
By taking advantage of anti-epileptic and antispasmodic properties, CBD is the first choice for those who suffer from conditions that cause seizures. CBD provides valuable support in therapies for childhood epilepsy.
Using its anxiolytic and antipsychotic properties, CBD reduces anxiety. CBD can especially reduce post-traumatic stress disorder and has the ability to combat insomnia and depression.
The analgesic property it contains makes CBD a considerable option to stimulate appetite and relieve pain. CBD reduces inflammation and tension as well as fights asthma and manages and controls diabetes and blood sugar. It is effective in anticancer therapies and supports the treatment of HIV.
CBD is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and as so it is a valid option for the treatment of different skin pathologies. Cannabidiol helps treat psoriasis, acne, and softens the skin thanks to its essential fatty acids. CBD has anti-aging effects and another benefit is that protects the brain from possible threats or diseases.
In conclusion, CBD is an alternative for treating various health issues and so you need advice from your doctor before using it. This way you avoid any unwanted effects and have the ability to properly use CBD to get the best from it. Your doctor’s advice will not only ensure you about benefits but he or she may also recommend a product to start with. In case you have to choose yourself, do not worry, there are tons of online retailers and shops that sell CBD products. These sellers also can give you the details.
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