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What to Do If Your Auto Accident Claim is Denied by an Insurance Company In Las Vegas

— September 22, 2023

It’s important to not give up if your auto accident claim has been denied by the insurance company.

No one wants to be involved in a car accident, and unfortunately when one does occur, the insurance company may not always respond positively. Car accident claims can be complicated and difficult to navigate at times, so it is important to understand why your claim may have been denied by the insurance company. Here are some of the common reasons an auto accident claim could be denied:

Insufficient Proof or Contradictory Evidence

Having sufficient proof of your claim is essential for getting approved by the insurance company. This includes medical records documenting your injuries, photos of the scene of the accident, witness statements, and any other documents that support your case such as aging reports, police reports and similar documentation. If your proof contradicts your statements or your claim, the insurance company may deny your claim as they have reason to doubt your case.

Delayed Claim Filing or Treatment Seeking

It is important to file a claim and seek medical treatment for any injuries related to the accident right away. If you wait too long, it could lead to suspicion on behalf of the insurance adjusters, resulting in a denied claim. Even if you feel fine after the collision, make sure to seek medical attention immediately and call 911 or file a police report.

What Can You Do?

Image by espartgraphic, via
Image by espartgraphic, via

If your auto accident claim has been denied by an insurance company, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Seek legal guidance from an experienced car accident lawyer in Las Vegas who specializes in car accidents. This will help you understand your rights and what legal options are available to you.
  2. Ask the insurance company for a written letter stating the reasons why your claim was denied. This could be helpful in deciding how to move forward with the case.
  3. Consider filing an appeal with assistance from your lawyer. If this fails, it may be possible to file a lawsuit against the insurance company if they have acted in bad faith by denying without investigating or refusing to provide documentation related to the accident and claims process.

A Critical, But  Necessary Step

It’s important to not give up if your auto accident claim has been denied by the insurance company. With the help of a qualified personal injury lawyer, it is possible to fight for the compensation you deserve and get the justice you deserve. It may seem like an uphill battle, but with experienced legal representation, you can  take the right steps to get you on the path to recovery.

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