Several human foods are labelled as non-toxic for pets. It is essential to get trustworthy information on this topic, which is why you can always ask your local vet for advice.
Welcoming a new puppy into your home comes with the best feeling ever. Still, many new pet parents struggle with the answers to some commonly asked questions about their pup. We took the time to offer the best solutions to those questions to help you make the best of this new experience.
FAQ #1 – How to house train a pup?
Experts advise that you should always use positive reinforcement with your pup. Praise your furry friend as soon as he or she uses the indicated location to do his or her business. And don’t do that when the pup comes back into your house. Do it while he or she is still outside, which will allow your pup to learn that the action was a positive one. You can use verbal, physical, or both approaches, while in some situations, you can offer a treat, too. Of course, if your pup fails to eliminate where you instructed him or her to, a firm `No` can be useful. Just keep in mind that dogs have a short memory, so scolding him or her later won’t do the trick. Experts say that it is best to take your pup outside before and after a meal.
FAQ #2 – What to do about biting?
Pups bite all the things they can get their mouths on, especially in the first 10 to 12 months of their lives. And it is reasonable to do so, as their teeth grow and change. Experts advise that it is best to teach your pup that biting is not acceptable as soon as he or she starts developing this habit. And you can do that by giving a toy to bite each time the pup bites into something he or she is not allowed to.
FAQ #3 – How to tend for a pup’s teeth, ears, or nails?
Constant dental care can save you a lot of vet appointments and expensive dental treatments. You can prevent issues with your pup’s teeth, ears, or nails by following some standard tips. As such, you can brush your dog’s teeth each day, but it is best to do so in stages. Let the pup to get accustomed to the technique and start by using your finger. After your puppy doesn’t get anxious about your new ritual, you can switch to a recommended toothbrush.

Of course, you can always offer dental treatment to make sure your pup’s oral health is on track. These are meant to keep your dog’s teeth healthy, but it is best to ask your vet about the best treats and dosage.
The goal of tending to your pup’s ears and nails since he or she is young is to avoid later unsuccessful attempts of grooming. Nail trims are part of any pet’s life, so your pup needs to get accustomed to clippers and the overall process of trimming his or her precious paws. You can either do it at home or ask for the help of a professional.
FAQ #4 – When is the best time to book the first grooming session for a long-coated pup?
Experts say that the best time to do the first grooming session is around their final vaccines. A professional groomer will know how to manage your pup’s anxiety about this new activity. And it is vital to get your puppy accustomed to grooming, as you will get several appointments per year to keep up the fluff’s health.
FAQ #5 – Should my pup have human food?
Several human foods are labelled as non-toxic for pets. It is essential to get trustworthy information on this topic, which is why you can always ask your local vet for advice. Anyway, it is best to avoid feeding your pup chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, dairy, or caffeinated drinks. And avoid the harmful sugar-free products, as those are rich in xylitol, a compound that can lead to life-threatening symptoms in pets. Also, skip feeding your pup fatty foods, as they can promote digestive tract problems or even pancreatitis.
FAQ #6 – What to do about fleas?
You should know that getting rid of fleas involves dealing with both your pet and the environment around it. And to tell you the truth, this is one of the most demanding tasks you will perform. It consists of three steps to eliminate the fleas from your pup, any other animal in your household, your house, and the yard.
As soon as you deal with this, it is best to opt for preventive care, as your pup will most likely get in contact with other sources of fleas in the future.
FAQ #7 – What is the flea prevention approach?
Indeed, you can get fast access to specially designed anti-flea products, like shampoos. But you should know that these have limited effectiveness. So, it is best to ask for your vet’s advice, as he or she will know the best preventive approach for your pup. Most of the quality flea treatments can be bought only with a prescription. Chewable tablets, topical creams, or collars are all great tools to prevent fleas. No matter the product you use, it is best to apply such medication at the same time each month. Your vet can offer further instructions about how to administer flea treatments correctly.
FAQ #8 – Should I get pet insurance?
Studies show that insured pets get more vet care than those that don’t have this benefit. And this might happen because such plans enable a pet owner to access top-notch veterinary services. Anyway, if you are not sure how to proceed with this, you can always check and compare the services at PetInsuranceFinder. It is a great comparison service that will display the services and insurance plans from different providers. In this way, you will make an informed decision about your pup’s wellbeing.
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