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What’s Behind Truck Accidents in Louisville?

— April 8, 2022

If the driver had been using alcohol or drugs, this may be used as evidence of negligence in a civil lawsuit.

Louisville, KY – Most people in Kentucky and other states are aware of the fact that driving near a semi truck or other large commercial vehicle is dangerous on the roads. This is because these kinds of vehicles are constantly involved in accidents, and they are more likely to result in serious injuries, severe property damage, and fatalities when compared to accidents involving standard vehicles. These problems are so pervasive that trucking is considered one of the most dangerous professions of all for American workers. An overview of why these situations happen is helpful for anyone who wants to drive safely and avoid accidents.

After a crash happens, there are Louisville truck accident lawyers who can provide advice about how to respond and receive compensation. 

Driver errors

Truck in oncoming traffic, shot through car windshield; image by Ralph Ravi Kayden, via
Truck in oncoming traffic, shot through car windshield; image by Ralph Ravi Kayden, via

One of the most serious dangers that truckers face is having to operate their vehicles for several hours each day. Most drivers do not spend nearly as long in their cars every day, making it easier to stay alert and avoid accidents. However, when a trucker can spend up to ten hours a day behind the wheel, it can be difficult to maintain focus and avoid distractions in the vehicle. When a large commercial vehicle is involved, just one small mistake during maneuvers such as turning or braking can be disastrous. As a driver gets more fatigued and loses focus, these errors become more likely. 

Driving under the influence

Using drugs or alcohol and then driving is illegal in every state in the U.S. Despite these laws and the possibility of severe penalties, substance abuse remains a serious problem for commercial vehicle drivers due to the stress of the job and other reasons. 

Kentucky truck accident lawyers can review the accident investigation and other forms of evidence to see if the driver was intoxicated at the time of the collision. If the driver had been using alcohol or drugs, this may be used as evidence of negligence in a civil lawsuit for compensation, and the driver can face criminal charges from the local police as well. 

Weight and cargo issues

Because truckers have to meet deadlines and make deliveries, it is possible that there will be some oversights. However, when a large truck is not properly loaded or it is too heavy, there is a strong possibility that the driver can lose control while driving. Improper cargo loading and excessive loads are a common cause of trailers flipping over on highways.

Truck crash lawyers in Kentucky

There are truck accident attorneys near me who assist with the process to receive compensation through a civil lawsuit. Anyone in the Louisville area who needs assistance from a local lawyer can use the listings on to find legal help in their area.

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