Woman faked fatal shooting of infant that never existed for media attention.
Glenna Brook Pinkerton, 32, allegedly told investigators she had buried her one-year-old daughter “in a shallow grave” after a fatal shooing occurred involving her ex-boyfriend. Now, police have learned that they performed a search of the area for no reason. The daughter never existed, and the crime never happened. Pinkerton was simply a woman who made up the elaborate story for media attention.
Last month, Pinkerton’s brother contacted law enforcement, stating his sister had told him she buried her infant daughter in a park near her home. Ronald Pinkerton “insisted he was unaware that his sister had ever been pregnant or was a mother,” according to the arrest affidavit.
The following day, Glenna Pinkerton confirmed her brother’s report, police said. She “told police her ex-boyfriend Antonio Allen gunned the baby down and that she buried her 1-year-old daughter in a shallow grave in the neighborhood park.” Pinkerton disclosed further that she “had been with the child’s father at the time of the shooting,” according to the affidavit.

But, that wasn’t the end of her tale. Pinkerton actually escorted police to the specific stop she said her daughter was buried. Forensic investigators and cadaver dogs subsequently searched the area extensively without avail. Afterwards, she admitted to falsifying the whole account, and was arrested and charged with giving a false report to police. Not exactly the attention she had thought she’d get.
Last year, Pennsylvania couple Geoffrey and Kaycee Lang also fabricated a story about having given birth to a son who allegedly passed away shortly after. The couple uploaded a photo of a doll on GoFundMe to scam strangers into sending them money for their loss.
Recently, it was also revealed that Gabby Watson faked pregnancies in an adoption scam to fool thousands of hopeful parents over forking over money. She would go through Facebook and Instagram profiles of those she knew and pull ultrasound and baby pics, posting these to her profile and passing them along to family and friends. “People always hurt me, so I want to hurt them first,” Watson said when she was finally found out. “It’s funny to make them cry. It feels great.”
“In our society, pregnant women and new mothers have a special status,” Dr. Theresa Porter, a forensic psychologist and fetal abduction expert, said. “While this varies in each woman’s case, our culture has the concept that pregnant women are supposed to be treated special. It isn’t abnormal that people wish to feel special. The problem comes when we don’t have other ways to find fulfillment in our lives, when we don’t have healthy ways to achieve it.”
“It’s not uncommon to see women faking pregnancies for a variety of different reasons and because of a variety of different psychological disorders, but (Pinkerton’s case) is very uncommon, and I do not know of any cases, specifically, where somebody has fabricated both a birth and death of a child,” said Dr. Elizabeth Jeglic, a New York-based clinical psychologist. “These are quite bizarre allegations. This is not something we would see typically.”
Woman Allegedly Faked Birth, Invented Baby’s Shooting, And Fabricated Burial For ‘Attention’
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