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4 Steps You Should Take if Your Child is Involved a Bus Accident

— July 19, 2023

If you’re a parent whose kid has been involved in a bus accident, you might be unaware of all the reports you should obtain for your case.

Many parents around the world rely on bus schools as their main mode of transportation for their children. This is the main reason why school bus accidents are not the first thing to cross our minds when we think of bus collisions. 

Still, school buses are not immune to accidents. When they do occur, you can take some steps to ensure your child is recovering from their injuries. That’s why we compiled a list of four essential steps you should do to not only recover but also seek compensation for any injuries or damages. 

Seek Medical Help Immediately 

Many parents are in shock when they find out their children have been in an accident, so they tend to forget about taking them to the doctor. However, even when the child seems to have minor injuries, it’s best to take them to a doctor because some symptoms may take days or weeks to show up. 

You must take your kid to get an evaluation for bruises, whiplash, concussion, or other injuries. This step can prevent potential severe injuries in the future if something more serious happens. Additionally, all professional lawyers will tell you this is a crucial step if you want to make a case for your child. 

Request Medical Records 

When you send your child to a doctor or emergency room, you must get copies of your medical records because you’ll need them later. One of the main reasons for obtaining medical records is to use them in your case as a set of proof to show your injuries were caused due to the accident and not another reason.

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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

However, you’ll need help from local attorneys if you want to make use of your medical records and file for compensation. Suppose the accident happened in Colorado Springs, you should contact Colorado Springs Bus Accident Lawyers, so they can gather all evidence to save them time and hassle later on. 

Get a Report of the Accident from the School  

After a school bus accident, your child’s school usually has an official accident report which contains plenty of information regarding the involved parties. Essentially, this document can include the following: 

  • The liable driver’s insurance information 
  • Bus driver’s statements 
  • Witness statements 
  • Photos or videos of the damage 
  • Photos of videos of the accident scene 
  • Police reports 

Once you get this school report, it would be best if you consulted with your attorney, preferably someone from Colorado Bus Accident Lawyers, to ensure you can use that in your case to seek compensation. 

Another excellent tip that most attorneys provide is to make a report to your city’s bus system or Mountain Metro – Colorado Spring’s bus services. These services can help prevent similar accidents in the future if the main cause of the accident was the bus driver’s neglect.  

Obtain the Police Reports 

If you’re a parent whose kid has been involved in a bus accident, you might be unaware of all the reports you should obtain for your case. You must remember that after getting the school report, you can also request the police report. These two reports can give you more information as to what happened and who’s liable for the accident.  

If you need further legal advice, the team from Colorado Accident Lawyers can give you more insight into these reports and why they’re crucial to support your case.  

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