In the state of Texas, DWI or driving while intoxicated is the terminology used to describe all offenses related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
San Antonio, TX – There are serious penalties for drunk driving in Texas. If a drunk driver is responsible for various kinds of injuries and property damage, they may be forced to pay large sums of money for these consequences. However, getting the person to accept financial responsibility will require a lawsuit filed in the civil courts, even if the person was arrested and charged with crimes related to intoxicated driving.
Attorneys near me are available to explain these matters further to local clients during an initial consultation.
Criminal drunk driving laws
In the state of Texas, DWI or driving while intoxicated is the terminology used to describe all offenses related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many states use the acronym DUI for the same category of crimes. State law says that anyone who has a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or greater, as well as those who are intoxicated by any combination of drugs or alcohol while driving are guilty of the crime of DWI. The possible penalties include jail time, fines, a driver’s license suspension that can last several months or a year, and an ignition interlock device on their vehicle in certain situations. As with other states, penalties can be increased for those who have multiple convictions or drunk driving in their past, or if there are other aggravating factors.
After an arrest, the driver must either be convicted or trial, or accept a plea deal with certain conditions as part of the sentence. An arrest does not necessarily mean that the driver will be convicted or made to pay damages in civil court.
Suing a drunk driver

San Antonio DWI accident lawyers help their clients in civil court by bringing lawsuits for compensation. If the driver caused severe damage, injuries, or fatalities during the course of the collision, they can potentially be responsible for thousands or millions of dollars worth of losses. However, people who bring civil cases should know that the outcome of the criminal and civil cases can be different. There is no guarantee that a conviction or civil liability will produce the same result in the other court system. San Antonio accident lawyers work with clients to explain the best possible outcome of a lawsuit, as the defendant should be made to pay for all losses related to medical treatment and time away from work. Non-economic compensation for pain and suffering may be available as well.
Getting legal advice after a drunk driving accident in Texas is a web directory that lists lawyers in San Antonio and other cities around the country. The company can be contacted directly at 800-672-3103 with any questions about finding the right attorney.
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